“Agreed. Just wanted to make sure we are on the same track. We should fill the council in on this.”
I shake my head. “Until Colt is clear, this stays between me, you, and Wrath.”
As I leave, I think about what he said.
What if we never find the mole?
I hate to see all of the work I’ve put into building this club into something sustainable go down in flames, but I meant what I said.
If we don’t find this person soon, we will have to scratch the whole lot of brothers and start fresh. Each man will have to be vetted and prospect again.
It’s going to cause a huge fuss not only within our chapter, but with the other chapters.
I refuse to let us die because of some idiot who thinks he can run off and do what he wants.
I’ll rid us of this disease if it’s the last thing I do.
Not for myself.
For my family.
My brothers.
My home.
* * *
I don’t know why I thought this was a good idea. This morning, I felt good about it, but standing at the edge of the room while everyone parties makes me feel less confident.
I don’t fit in with these people. All around, men are talking loudly while drinking. Some of them have women with them either hanging on their arms or dancing for them. Others are playing pool and darts.
I never went to clubs before William, but I imagine this is what a club or bar would look like.
Jacob notices me standing there as he stands at the bar. He waves me over when I meet his eyes.
“Hey, do you need anything?”
I shake my head. “I was going to hang out for a bit if that’s okay.”
He looks surprised. “Of course. Pres isn’t here, but you can sit here with me. Do you want a drink?”
I look around the room again, spotting Wrath sitting on a couch talking to a man sitting across from him. No one else is with them leaving the seat to his right open.
“Can you grab me whatever Wrath and that guy is drinking? Maybe one for me too?”
I won’t drink it, but it will help me fit in.
“Are you sure?”
I nod. It only takes him a few seconds to push three beers my way.
I grab them, heading across the room to Wrath.
When he notices me approaching, he quirks an eyebrow but doesn’t say anything.
I hold out the beers to him.