Page 63 of Reaper

Closing down the laptop, I resolve myself to leaving my room tonight. I don’t know when Harrison will be back, but Wrath mentioned yesterday that he was looking forward to the party tonight. I think it’s one of the other guys’ birthday or something.

I can do this. I can be social without freaking out.

Giving myself one last pep talk, I get up and start going through the little bit of clothes I have.

If I’m going to do this, I’m going to try and look good at least.


“Need help?”I ask as I approach.

Wrath looks over his shoulder and wipes his forehead with the back of his hand.

“Help me lift this heavy bastard?”

I grab the guy’s legs as Wrath grabs his arms and we toss him into the shallow grave.

Grunting, I wipe my hands on my jeans. “That asshole was heavier than I thought he was going to be.”

“Dead weight.” He raises his arm and shields his eyes from the sun. “I figured leave the graves open for a few days, let nature do its things.”

“Sounds good. Where is everyone?”

“I sent them back to the clubhouse to clean up. I figured if everyone were to disappear, your girl would get suspicious.”

“Good call.”

Wrath turns toward me with his hands on his hips. “Are you going to keep me waiting or are you going to tell me how it went?”

“When we first walked in, we were met with security.”

“Smart move on his part warning the casino ahead of time.”

While standing under the heat of the sun I fill him in on what happened or what didn’t.

“That’s interesting.” He rubs his jaw. “He’s playing the part, but he is just a middleman.”

“If that.” I nod. “One of the guys who got away texted him right when you messaged me. He didn’t seem happy.”

Wrath’s lips tilt up. “I wouldn’t have been too happy either if I sent guys out and most of them didn’t come back. I’m still pissed that two got away though.”

“Next time.”

“Next time.” He nods. “So what next? Are we making a move?”

“Unfortunately we’re going to wait and see what he does next. We can’t do anything while he’s on the strip. Trigger stuck one of the micro cameras on the wall right inside the door with audio. Hopefully we pick something up.”

“By the sounds of it, they are just sloppy enough they will be.” Wrath looks me up and down. “You good?”

“I’m fine.”

“You look a little tense,” he teases.

“I need to go for a ride. Clear my head.”

“I’m pretty sure there's a pretty little thing back at the clubhouse who would like to go on a ride too.”

I shake my head. “Tempting, but not after what just happened. I need her to lay low for now.”