Page 56 of Reaper

I think about the nightly parties. I guess I could go join in at least for a little bit. Going out there causes me anxiety, but deep down, I know I’d be safe.

“I could go out more, I guess.”

“Don’t jump in the deep end. Think of a small change you can make. This isn’t an all-or-nothing thing. Let’s start by you leaving your room for five minutes. Push yourself out of your comfort zone, but only a smidge.”

“I can do that.”

“Good. I want you to start keeping a journal of your feelings. Notes of when you notice yourself reacting to something. Write down what made you react and how you handled it. We can discuss it next time and help come up with ways for you to train yourself to react differently.”

“I think I’d like that.”

“Alright, same time next week?”

I smile. “Yes.”

I make a mental note to ask Harrison for a journal. I feel good about this. Really good.

Maybe I’m starting to heal.


“We found him.”

That’s the first words I hear when I walk into the clubhouse.

I was looking forward to curling up with Natalie and watching a movie. I was planning to take it old school, convincing her to make out with me until her lips are bruised, but that will have to wait now.

“Where?” I demand as I lead Trigger into church, shutting the door behind us.

“He’s in Vegas. Caught him on a camera at the Bellagio.”

I frown. “That seems odd. Why would he go into a casino he knows we can monitor instead of sticking with one of the Renegade-owned ones?”

He shrugs. “Honestly, it seems suspicious, but it’s all I’ve got for now. What do you want to do?”

My impulse says to get there now, but I need to be smarter than that. Forcing myself to relax, I release the breath I was holding.

“It’s probably a trap. Get six of our guys together. Not Colt. I want Colt here. I don’t trust him yet.”

“I told you I cleared him, right? The number he is speaking with is from Texas. I couldn’t trace it, but it could have been his mother. With her connection to the chapter down there, she could have burners.”

I start shaking my head before he even finishes. “It doesn’t feel right, Trig. I don’t know what he’s up to, but until he comes clean, he’s at the top of my rat list. Get some men together. We are rolling up there but keeping it civil. We just want to chat. I have a feeling the moment we step in the casino, we are going to be searched so we go in empty-handed.”

“Why would we do that? We will be sitting ducks.”

I shake my head. “He’s at a very public and well-known casino. He’s not armed and even if he is, he would be a fool to attack us there. No, he is hoping that we show up guns blazing so we can be arrested. That leaves Natalie unprotected. I want Colt here with Wrath and whoever else doesn’t go with us. This is a test. One that we are going to pass with flying fucking colors. Show him he won’t get my woman.”


* * *

I watch as the guys trail into the building one by one with Trigger at my side.

“What’s up, Pres?” Midnight asks as he pops a peppermint into his mouth.

“We’re rollin’ out.”

“Sweet,” Kicks says as he rubs his hands together.