Page 53 of Reaper

I shake my head and roll my eyes.

He moves closer, leaning down to grab my chin.

I think for a moment he’s going to kiss my mouth. He hasn’t done that since our date night.

He doesn’t though. Instead, he looks in my eyes with a look of pure lust.

“Watch it, Queen Bee. I might be following your pace, but all your sass might get your ass paddled until it’s red.” He winces. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I would never hit you unless it was in a pleasurable way.”

My body flushes at his words. I’m embarrassed by my reaction. I should be afraid to have him hit me, but after reading a couple of the books Evelyn brought me, I find myself wondering about consensual spanking, among other things.

“No.” My face is burning. “I, um, I think I might like that. At least, it sounds interesting.”

He smirks at my reaction before pressing a kiss to my cheek.

“Be a good girl.”

Then he grabs some clothes before going back into the bathroom.

My heart is racing by the time the door shuts behind him. I never felt this hot for anyone before. It’s like something about his rough exterior and pure sexuality speaks to a part of me I never knew I had. Maybe I should be more afraid of it, but I’m not. I’m embracing it.

A knock at the door halts my thoughts. I look down at my outfit. A pair of plain black leggings and one of Harrison’s t-shirts. I still feel weird about showing off too much though since I’m not wearing a bra, so I grab Harrison’s jacket off the back of the chair and zip it up before answering the door.

Trigger is standing there with a laptop in his hand as he looks down at his phone.

“Hey,” I greet him.

“Hey Queen Bee. You ready for this?”

I frown. “Why are you calling me Queen Bee? I thought only Harrison called me that.”

He shrugs. “Some guys heard him call you that. It’s stuck. Let’s get this set up for you quickly. I already scheduled you an appointment with someone online that is trustworthy. You meet with her in thirty minutes.”

I nod, moving to the bed while he sits in the chair at Harrison’s desk.

Harrison exits the bathroom then. He glances at Trigger before taking me in. When his eyes linger on his jacket, I swallow hard. I didn’t think about the fact that he would probably need it to leave.

He moves to my side before leaning down to press a kiss to the top of my head. “See you later, baby girl.”

“Don’t you need your jacket?” I whisper, aware that Trigger can hear us.

Trigger is pretending to ignore us as he clicks buttons on the computer.

“Nope. It looks better on you anyway. I have a spare in my truck I’ll grab.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“I’ll be back early tonight. Maybe we can go get something to eat together.”

I nod. “I’d like that, I think.”

He smirks before nodding to Trigger and leaving. I don’t miss the fact that he leaves the door open. I almost feel like a teenage girl whose father refuses to let her be behind closed doors with a boy.

“Alright. So right now, I don’t have a password on the computer, but I need you to make one. Don’t use something generic. It needs to be something you will remember but is hard to guess. Random numbers and symbols are best, but I want you to remember it so just try not to make it too easy.”

He stands, indicating I should sit in the chair. I do, trying to think of a good password.

Then a memory pops into my head.