Page 42 of Reaper

“Come on. I figured we could go for a ride before you hole back up in my room.”

My entire body locks up. My stomach rolls and I instantly feel clammy. Time feels like it slows down as I think about all the worst-case scenarios.

Is he out there waiting for me?

Will he run us off the road? Or pay someone to do it?

I can hear my heart pounding in my ears. I do not want to go outside at all. The thought makes my body feel like it needs to flee.

This is ridiculous. You shouldn’t be scared to go outside. I mentally berate myself.

“Hey, Natalie. You with me?” Reaper asks, pulling me out of my crazy thoughts.

Taking a deep breath, I turn to him. I can do this, can’t I?

I frown, ignoring his question. “Is it safe for me to be outside?”

He walks over to me as Elenore begins to clean up, pretending to ignore us. When Harrison cups my cheek, I let out a content sigh. I don’t know what it is about his touch, but it calms me in a way I’ve never had before.

“I’d never do anything to jeopardize you. You know that, right?” His tone is low, meant for my ears only.

“I do.”

He smiles. “Good. Let’s go get you dressed.”

With that, he pulls me out of the room without looking back. I’m barely able to shout out a goodbye to Elenore.


While Natalie atebreakfast with Elenore, I had one of the guys run out and grab her a riding jacket and helmet from one of our businesses. After talking with Evelyn this morning, we agreed that I would try to take Natalie outside. We don’t need her being spotted by William. We’ve heard whispers at the auto shop that he’s spread the word that he’s looking for her, but staying inside is affecting her mental health. I really want to get her set up with a therapist, but Evelyn said we needed to approach this carefully.

I trust my sister, so I’m taking baby steps even though I’d rather jump right in.

Pulling Natalie down the hall to my room feels familiar. It should feel awkward. I never brought women back to my room, preferring to keep it private, but in the span of a week, Natalie has settled in.

I don’t hate it.

Once inside the room, I close the door behind her.

“I need you to change into some jeans and a warm shirt.”


I hate how meek her voice sounds. I want to get her to the point where she is confident.

When she steps out of the bathroom dressed, my breath catches.

I gave Evelyn some money to get her some clothes, and damn, she did good. The jeans she’s wearing look like they have been painted on her. Then there’s the sweater. I don’t know much about women’s fashion, but it looks soft and fuzzy with the collar hanging off one shoulder showing a bit of her skin.

It makes me want to sink my teeth into her.

“Is this okay?” she asks.

I have to clear my throat before I can answer.

“You look beautiful. Here, put this on.” I hold out the jacket to her, sliding it over her arms.

It fits her nicely, making me glad I took a peek at her shirt size before I sent the prospect. Fuck, I’d love to see my property patch on the back. This girl has my head all kinds of twisted.