I hesitate. “The only one suspicious right now is Colt. He was there at the last run. Right after he suggested a route change, he took a call claiming it was his mom.”
Wrath raises his eyebrows in disbelief. “Really? I thought they had a falling out.”
“Exactly. It’s plausible, so it has me skeptical, but I also know that he is a good liar. This could be his play at the top seat. He’s ambitious. He didn’t always want to be here. He was angling for his uncle’s seat back in Texas before he got sent here.”
“You think his last visit home he might have seen him and his mom and reconnected?”
I consider this. He did go back home a few months ago. It was before all this shit went down.
“What if it’s his uncle?” I counter.
“You think his uncle is trying to get him in your seat?”
“It’s possible. It wouldn’t be the first time another chapter tried to dictate the politics of another. There’s too much unknown with Colt. He’s at the top of my list.” I rub my face.
“Who else?”
I shake my head. “One of the members not on the council? I don’t see Pinky, Twitch, or Midnight turning on me.”
“Jug and Ram have been on the runs that were hit. Could be either of them,” Wrath adds.
“Cheryl has been the girl we have been using too. Switch her out and keep an eye on her. I’ll let Trigger know to watch her phone. I also want access to Colt’s phone. Think you can arrange that?”
Wrath smiles. “Oh yeah. I’ll clear Trigger, then together we will get you access to his phone.”
I snort. “I don’t even want to know what you’re planning. You know you look like a serial killer with that look on your face.”
“I know. It’s part of my charm.”
“Sure. That’s why you don’t fuck sweetbutts.”
Wrath touches his chest, pretending to be offended. “Hey, no one is supposed to know that. They can’t handle my depravity.”
“Yeah? Who can?”
“Paid hookers. They know the score and don’t snitch.”
I roll my eyes. “Whatever. Get out of here and find me some information. The longer William is on the loose, the worse this will get.”
He nods, leaving the room.
I lie my head down.
My phone lights up with a call from Colt.
“What’s up?” I ask.
“Eagle landing tonight.”
“Send the information over. I want you and Wrath at the clubhouse tonight. I’ll explain later.”
“Everything okay, Reap?”
If only that was the truth.
* * *