“Yeah, I was just going to raid the fridge though.” I point toward the kitchen.
Jacob frowns. “Are you sure? I can make you something if you want.”
I shake my head. “It’s fine, really.” I pause. “You could keep me company though if you want. Maybe tell me about this place?”
I fall into step behind him, and he leads me into the kitchen. He takes a seat on the barstool as I move to the fridge. After taking in my options, I pull out some cheese and meat.
“Plates are in that cabinet, and crackers are in the pantry,” he tells me as I set them on the counter.
“Thanks.” I smile as I grab everything else I need. “So tell me about this place.”
“What do you want to know?”
I look out the window. “Is the property big? It seems to go on for miles.”
Jacob looks out the window before looking back at me. “Yeah, the compound is decently sized. About twenty acres, give or take, if I had to guess. I’m sure Pres has told you, but you are free to roam around here. Just don’t go into church or go outside the gates.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. You all stay here?” I ask, referring to the other bikers.
“Some do, but I think most of the guys have their own places. Especially the married guys.”
“What about Reaper?”
Jacob smirks. “Nah, he doesn’t have a wife waiting at home for him.” He pauses. “Yet.”
I choke on my cracker and start coughing.
“You good?” he laughs.
“I’m sorry. That must have went down the wrong way.”
“So Reaper has a girlfriend?” I ask, refusing to look at him.
God, I must sound so desperate asking.
“As long as I’ve been around here, Pres hasn’t really paid any lady attention until you.”
“Want to know what I think?”
“I think he is going to claim you.”
I laugh awkwardly. “No, you have it wrong. He doesn’t like me like that. Harrison is just helping me out.”
“The Pres don’t help anyone without a reason. Trust me. By the end of the year, you will have his name on your back.”
I shake my head and change the subject. “Do you like being a part of the club? Like the members?”
Jacob hesitates.
“Oh shoot, can we not talk about this? I don’t want to get you into trouble.”