She gestures for me to enter Harrison’s room in front of her. Once inside, I turn to her.
“Old lady, like on the television shows?” I ask, thinking of a popular biker show I’ve seen advertised.
Evelyn nods. “Basically. A lot of that shit isn’t true, but yeah. An old lady is like a wife.”
I take a seat on the edge of the bed, gnawing at my bottom lip with my teeth.
“I’m not an old lady. Does that mean I have to be one of them? I don’t want anyone to touch me.” I stare at the floor.
Evelyn moves to my side, taking my hand. “You don’t have to be a sweetbutt. You’re under Harrison’s protection. He won’t let anyone hurt you.”
“I want to believe that, but it’s hard. It’s like I used to be this carefree girl just trying to make it, and now I can’t trust my own instincts. What if they are wrong again? What if I made a mistake coming here?”
Evelyn chooses her words carefully. “I can’t say for certain that you made the right decisions. No one can. All I can tell you is that I know my brother. He might look a little rough around the edges and run with men who do questionable things, but he would never do the things that have obviously been done to you. He’s a good man, even if he doesn’t always do good things.”
“He’s my last hope. If William finds me, I have no doubts that he will kill me.”
“We won’t let that happen. Now how about I check out your head and then we can get you all changed.”
I nod, letting her take over, checking me out. It only takes a few minutes, but she seems happy with what she finds.
“I think you have a concussion, but you are doing better now. There is a nasty scab on the back of your head, so be careful. Head wounds tend to bleed a lot, so if you nick it before it’s healed, it may start bleeding again. I would maybe try to avoid washing your hair for a day or two. Bright side, the knot on your temple has already gone down considerably,” Evelyn informs me.
I give her a small smile. I know she means well, but I already knew all of this. After all, this isn’t my first dance with the devil.
“I borrowed some clothes from Sunny. She’s Pinky’s wife, by the way. He’s one of Harrison’s brothers. She said you can keep anything you like. She also said if they fit, she can go through her things some more and make you a care bag.”
She hands me a pair of black leggings and a T-shirt. I take them, undressing right there. No need to go hide in the bathroom when she has already seen it all. The pants are a bit loose, but not too bad. The shirt hangs on my frame. I know I’ve lost a bit of weight over the past year, but I guess I didn’t realize how much.
“I also brought some makeup in case you wanted it. You don’t need to use it, but it’s here, along with a toothbrush and a hairbrush. I’m going to go get you some underwear when the stores open. “
“This is all so kind of you. You really didn’t need to do all of this,” I tell her.
She gives me a friendly smile. “Of course I did. You’re a guest here. It’s what we do. How we show our hospitality. Once everything is settled, I’ll even help you get set up with a place to stay and a job. You aren’t alone anymore, Natalie. We won’t abandon you.”
I feel my eyes well up with tears. I’ve felt alone for so long that I forgot what it was like to have a friend, if that’s what Evelyn is.
“Thank you,” I whisper. “Do you think you could help me with some makeup? I haven’t worn any in a while.”
The truth is, William didn’t like me to wear makeup. He said it made me look like a slut. The only time he would allow it was when he made me go to an event with him. Then he would hire a professional. When we would arrive home after the event, he would punish me for letting them make me look like a whore. It was a vicious cycle.
“Of course, honey. Come have a seat.”
I decide right then and there that I like Evelyn. Not because she doesn’t make me feel alone, but because there isn’t a hint of pity in her voice or gaze. She knows I’ve been through hell, but she’s not walking around on eggshells. I don’t know if I could handle it if she did.
“I am safe here, right?” I ask after a moment.
I vaguely remember asking last night, but I can’t help but ask again.
Evelyn leans back, looking me in the eye.
“I know the Lotus men seem intimidating. It’s all the tattoos, brawn, and facial hair. They have to look fierce to take care of business. At the core though, they are good men. Especially since my brother took over. My father was a decent man, but he was selfish. Harrison is a good guy. He makes decisions with his head and heart. He truly cares about his men and those under his care, which includes you now. There isn’t a safer place for you than here. Reaper gave the order. The men listened. You will be protected by each and every member until their dying breath. You can count on that.”
“What about you? How do you fit in?” I ask softly.
She smiles. “I’m the sister of the president, daughter of the former president. I grew up in the clubhouse. Most of the men see me as a little sister or cousin. They treat me as such too. It sucks though. Dating is a pain in the ass.”
I’ve never been around people like Harrison and Evelyn and it’s slightly overwhelming. They live in a completely different world that I don’t understand. But for some reason, I want to.