“He did,” I say as I set them both down on a little table that’s situated between two chairs.
“I think you’ll like it,” she says as she brushes off her hands and moves to sit.
I wrap the blanket around my shoulders and sit down.
“So tell me how your week has been.”
Evelyn groans after taking a sip. “This is what heaven in a cup tastes like.”
I raise the glass and take a small taste. The best way I can describe it is it tastes like apple juice warmed up with cinnamon, but more. It makes you feel warm and tingly inside, and I can see how it would be perfect on a cold fall night.
Maybe while following kids around a neighborhood while they trick or treat.A voice whispers in the back of my head.
I clear my throat, leaving that thought where it lay. “You never answered my question.”
“Work is work. Saved some lives, lost some, the usual.”
I frown at how blasé she sounds but how tense her body seems.
“I couldn’t do what you do.”
“You get used to it. Birth and death it’s the circle of life. Does it suck? Yeah, but at least I can say I tried.” She brings her glass up to her lips and takes a big drink.
“Hey, what are you guys doing?”
Both Evelyn and I turn, looking over our shoulders and see Tara approaching.
“Just enjoying a drink and the fire. Take a seat,” Evelyn tells her.
“Are you sure?”
I give her an encouraging smile. “Of course.”
“So what were you ladies talking about?” Tara asks as she sits.
“Not much because Nat here was holding out on me. What have I missed this week?”
“Oh…did you hear that Reaper surprised her with sushi the other night?” Tara teases.
Evelyn gasps, placing her hand on her chest. “He ordered her sushi?”
I roll my eyes and lie. “It was nothing.”
It was everything.
“She told him when they were out that she loved sushi, so when they got back, he had a crazy amount waiting for her. There was so much she had to give some of it away.”
“There was no way I could eat it all, and it would have gone bad!” I protest weakly.
“Hmm…sounds like someone’s in love…” Evelyn sings out.
“I think what we should really be talking about is how Wrath has taken Tara under his wing,” I say, tossing my friend under the bus.
“I like what you did there.” Tara mock glares.
“I need more. Tell me everything,” Evelyn begs.
As they chat back and forth, I can’t help but smile. I’ve never had girlfriends like this and I can’t help but hope that they stay in my life, even when this is all over.