Page 104 of Reaper

“You know a doctor…that you could ask…”

Evelyn leans against the bar next to me.

“I didn’t want to bother you and just because you’re a doctor doesn’t mean you know every doctor in the city.”

Evelyn hums as she picks up my notes, looking them over. “I know all the OBGYNs who deliver at Methodist, which is where you should be looking, it’s the closest hospital.”

I frown. “I hadn’t thought of that. I was just combing their bios and stalking them on social media.”


“I wanted to make sure they weren’t judgy before I reached out. Not everyone would understand this lifestyle,” I say as I snatch the paper back.

“I would go with Christenson. He’s gay, so he won’t hit on the girls and if the guys end up in the room, he won’t cave under their glares.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” She claps her hands. “Now go put your stuff away and grab a jacket. I’ve had one hell of a week, and I could use a little firepit and drink therapy.”

I look outside and see that the time must have gotten away from me. I hadn’t even realized the sun had set.

“Are you sure we can light a fire?”

Evelyn scoffs. “Please, I’ve been lighting shit on fire without permission since I was ten. Harrison won’t mind, promise. Now shoo.”

“I’m going. I’m going,” I mutter as I scoop everything off the counter and head back to our room.

Our room.

It’s so weird to think of it as that, but that’s what the room is, ours. I don’t know when but Reaper moved back in one night and hasn’t left since. Not that I mind. I fall asleep easier at night when he’s with me, and I love seeing his things mixed with what little I have.

After dropping everything on the desk, I head to the closet and take a peek inside. I don’t spot a hoodie or a jacket, so I grab a blanket off the corner of the bed. Reaper brought it home for me one day, totally surprising me. It will smell like smoke, but I can always wash it.

Blanket in hand, I leave the room, locking the door behind me.

“She’s already out there,” Jacob calls from behind the bar. “Take these with you.”

“What did you make?” I ask as I grab them. The cups are warm in my hands.

“Spiked apple cider.” He makes a weird face. “I don’t know how she can drink it, but that’s what she asked for.”

I look down at the cup and frown. “Oh, I’m not big on drinking.”

“Natalie,” he says, making me look back up at him. “You don’t have to try it if you don’t want to. I’ll make you something else. But if you want a drink, have one. It won’t hurt a thing, and Pres won’t be upset. It’s your call.”

I bite my lip as I stare back down at the cups. “I’ll try it but if I don’t like it you’ll make me something else?”

“Without a peep. Your call, boss lady.”

“Alright.” I smile as I step back. “Thanks, Jacob.”

“You’re welcome,” he calls out as I head outside.

Instantly I spot Evelyn next to a small fire.

“That was fast,” I say as I approach.

“It’s small for now, but it will grow. I see that Jacob sent out our drinks with you.”