The pressure pounds behind my eyes. I have seconds. My thoughts race to Gabriel.What if I never see him again?The thought has me pleading with the man I used to love, “Please,” I mouth.
He releases me.
I fall, choking, to the floor, shaking my head. “No,” my voice is raspy and tight.
“Does he make you come, Ang?” He squats before me, tipping my chin till my eyes meet his. I’m shocked to find tears streaming down his face. “Are you his now?”
“What do you care? We’re done. You can’t hurt me like you did and expect to come back like nothing happened.” I slap his hand away and scramble far enough to stand, placing the couch between us. “You think I want to be with a cheater? Someone who hurts me?”
He moves toward me but catches himself, tugging at his hair in frustration. “I couldn’t stand the look in your eyes. Your love. Your expectations. Your loyalty. So damn fucking loyal, Ang. I’ve fucked around for years, even before the car accident. And still, you were loyal to a fault.”
Jesus.“Get out.” I reach around the corner to the house phone on the other side of the kitchen wall, the verbal knife he just speared me with fanning my determination.
“I loved you, Frankie—”
“You have a fucked-up way of showing it!” Holding the wireless handset out of sight, I punch in 9-1-1 and hit what I hope is thetalkbutton. I’m pelted with relief when I hear the soft ringing.
He shakes his head, defeat written all over his demeanor. “I couldn’t stand up to the weight of your expectations.”
“I had no expectations of you, Austin, other than the promises you made.” I point at him with the phone in my hand as the operator answers. “You promised to love and protect me!” I step forward, the knowledge that help is coming emboldening my resolve. “I would have loved you to the end of days, Austin. I would have given you everything!”
He backs up, shoulders sagging. “I know. I know you would’ve. But I couldn’t.”
A muffed woman’s voice says something about police being on their way. I bring the phone to my ear. “Call Donovan Harris. Tell him Austin is at Gabriel’s house. Now.” I drop it on the couch, leaving the line open. If I keep the phone in my hand, he’ll see how badly I’m shaking. I can’t let him see my fear. “It’s time for you to go, Austin.”
“I know.” He moves to the door. “I really just came to apologize.”
“Well, that was a shit-ass apology.” I cross my arms, moving toward him, acting braver than I feel.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you.” He opens the door and steps out and down the stairs.
He didn’t mean to hurt me?! “You acted like you were the one saving me from my childhood, but you always needed me more than I needed you.” Grabbing the door handle, I start to close it, but stop when I hear sirens in the distance. “You hurt me worse than my father ever did—ever could.”
“Frankie,” his voice quavers. His anger dissipates, completely replaced by a sorrowful man I nearly recognize.
“You’re a lying, cheating sack of shit. I don’t know what happened to you, Austin, but you aren’t the boy I fell in love with or the man I’d hoped to marry. I’m ashamed I invested so much of myself in you. For what? To be cheated on, lied to, and physically abused? I don’t think so. Go fuck yourself. I’m done.”
With that, I slam the door, locking it for safe measure, and sink to the floor in a pile of useless tears and shattered dreams. What the hell happened to us? When did he change into a stranger? Was he always such a monster, and I was too blind to see it? I feared I might want to take him back if I saw him again. But the second his anger sparked, I knew I could never love him again. I can’t love someone I can’t trust—someone who would treat me like that.
He broke us. He smashed what we had into irreparable pieces—even if I could, I wouldn’t want to put us back together.
IT’S THE LAST ROUND, AND THERussian is putting up a better fight than I thought he would. He slipped in a few hits and kicks I never would’ve allowed had I not been distracted.
Jonah greases the cut above my left eye. “Your concentration is for shit, Gabriel.”
“Tell me something I don’t know.” I breathe out, taking a swig of water.
He glances over my shoulder to Coach. “They don’t want me to tell you, but—”
“What?” I look between them, a new wave of adrenaline hitting my veins.
“It’s Frankie. She called the cops from your house. Austin showed up,” Jonah rapid fires.
“Motherfucker!” I stand, ready to blow this fight. “She’s alright?”
“Yeah, she’s with Donovan.” Jonah gives my shoulder a squeeze. “She’s good.”
Coach pushes me back to my stool. “Finish this. Then go get your girl.”