Page 55 of No Mercy

His eyes widen in recognition as he continues to shake my hand. “The fighter?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Well, it’s nice to meet you. My sons and I watch you fight at every opportunity. I hear you have a big matching coming up soon.”

“Yeah, in about eight weeks.” I don’t even let myself go to the place where I know I’ve blown off training for the last four days for my girl.

“We look forward to it.” He nearly blushes when he realizes he hasn’t let go of my hand. Releasing me, he motions to the door. “She’d like to see you.”

REELING FROM THE NEWS, I TRYto blink away my tears and focus through my foggy brain that has me only wanting to close my eyes and go back to sleep. Though, I doubt it would be a peaceful rest with this weight on my chest.

He doesn’t want children.

Dread beats down any hope I had before the nurse interrupted us earlier. I’d forgotten why I’d moved out in the first place. Why I’d spent the night at the gym instead of meeting Cap the morning of our trip.

When I woke up, I was so overcome with joy at the sight of Gabriel, I’d forgotten myself. But reality is a bitch. She doesn’t like to be ignored. She wants her due, which apparently is my relationship with Gabriel, as messy as it is.

Gabriel “No Mercy” Stone held me until my broken pieces healed. He protected me. Worshipped my body. Made me feel like a goddess.

He didn’t want my heart. I gave it to him anyway.

He made no promises. No declarations of love or a future.

He gave me his body, then gave me a baby.

But he still won’t give me his heart.

Once, only being with someone I loved was enough. Now, I know I deserve more. I deserve someone willing to be as all in as I am. I deserve to be loved and cherished openly and honestly—outside the bedroom as well.

Gabriel’s heart isn’t open to me, or, if it is, he’s keeping it captive. I know he cares, but it’s not enough if he can’t give me his all.

I have to set him free.

I’ll put myself out there one last time before I walk away from the man I just might love forever.

No Mercy for me.

“Hey.” His deep voice draws my attention as he nears my bed.

I want to sit up, but the ache in my side tells me it would be a mistake. Three broken ribs. Maybe their pain will override the agony of breaking my own heart.

We’ll see.

“Hey.” A weak start to a devastating conversation I’d rather avoid.

He studies me from head to toe and back. “Everything okay?”

“Yes. No. I mean…”

He sits on the edge of the bed, barely enough room for my hulking Big Man. “Take a breath. Tell me what’s got you all teary-eyed and nervous.”

I take as deep a breath as my ribs will allow and let it fly. “I’d forgotten. Seeing you made me so happy, I’d forgotten—”

“What’d you forget?”

“—we were broken up.”

He scowls. “We didn’t break up.”