Page 70 of Less Than Three

“I do.” Raphael released one of his crutches and cupped Dmitri’s face. “Are you okay? You never really gave me an answer to that.”

“You never really asked,” Dmitri countered, but it was more playful than hurt. “To be honest, I don’t know. I was feeling a little numb. And then…”

He was silent a moment, so Raphael ran his thumb over his cheekbone. “And then?”

“And then the person I’ve been stupid in love with for like a year kissed me, and everything feels a little off balance,” Dmitri said. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Be patient with me?”

Raphael pulled him in and smudged a kiss to his jaw. “For the rest of my life.”

Dmitri nodded, laid his forehead on Raphael’s shoulder, and let his body relax. “Food?”

Raphael chuckled, then gave him a nudge. “Yes. Come on. It’s time for food.”


When Dmitri wasin the HR office after the confrontation, he stared at the ceiling fan, letting his head rock from side to side, which gave the blades the illusion of slowing. It was something he used to do as a kid whenever things got bad with his parents. He’d mentioned it to his therapist once, and she said it was similar to meditation and told him even as a traumatized youth, he had been very good at taking care of himself. He didn’t always feel like it, though. Especially right then. His hands were shaking, and he still felt like he might throw up as the echo of Paxton’s words took forever to fade.

Knox had talked to him for a while, and when he wandered off to find Paxton, Dmitri had followed along in spite of being ordered to stay. The anxiety of not knowing was worse than seeing him, though, and he got the smallest thrill when they arrived at the service entrance in time to see Talia cock her fist back and punch him again.

It was harder than when Raphael had done it, and this time, there was blood spilled.

“I’m going to have you all fucking arrested,” Paxton spat through his swollen lips.

Talia smirked and crossed her arms over her chest. “Go for it.”

Paxton scrambled off, and Talia turned, looking somewhat surprised to see she had an audience, which made Dmitri feel even better, because it hadn’t been performative. Talia had always been feisty, but having her ire on Dmitri’s behalf meant something important.

Knox’s hand dropped to Dmitri’s shoulder for a second, then he snatched it back, and Dmitri was grateful because being touched was a lot right then. “Let me get you some water, okay?”

Dmitri nodded and took a few steps back, until he collided against a bunch of shipping crates. He sank down before he realized he was doing it, and Talia crouched next to him on the pavement, which was wet with rain.

“I fucking hated that guy the moment I laid eyes on him, and I saw his red flags from a mile away. I just wish…” She trailed off and turned her gaze upward. “I wish I had said something before. Maybe if I have, he would have left town and none of this would have happened.”

Dmitri made a soft sound, wrapping his arms around his middle. “It’s not like it’s anyone’s fault.”

“It’s Paxton’s fault,” Talia breathed out. “But I get what you mean. Sometimes shit happens, and sometimes the people around us are powerless to do anything about it. I just really fucking hate that.”

There was something in her tone that told Dmitri it was more personal than just Paxton. “Did something happen to you?”

“No,” Talia bit out, then offered him an apologetic look, though she didn’t smile. “No. It wasn’t me.”

But it was someone close to her. Someone she loved. Dmitri knew better than to ask, though, so he licked his lips, then shifted just a little bit closer. “Thank you for having my back.”

Talia looked over at him, surprise in her gaze, and her mouth went a little soft as she shook her head. “God, don’tthankme. He deserves a lot more than a fat lip.”

Dmitri was pretty sure right then, Paxton would get it. He knew what it was like to be universally distrusted by their little community—but the word would spread, and it would be so much more than a lingering scab. He’d never be welcome anywhere again, and Dmitri thought maybe he should try to feel sorry for him, but he couldn’t.

“Was this the only time he tried that with you?” Talia asked after a beat.

Dmitri nodded, squeezing his eyes shut. “The first time we talked, he said he understood.” His voice cracked, and he cleared his throat. “I told him I was asexual, and he said it was fine. But…” He couldn’t bring himself to repeat the sharp, ugly words. There was no need to shred himself further for something he knew was a lie—something he knew didn’t matter. “I think he was drunk.”

“That doesn’t mean shit,” Talia said, and Dmitri smiled a little.

“I know.”

“He’d better not show his face here again.”

At that, Dmitri had to laugh. “I don’t think he will.”