Page 25 of Less Than Three

Roman stiffened like he was going to argue, but Dmitri waved him off. “It’s fine. I have to go so I’ll have Aksel bring it in.”

Roman cleared his throat, then sat back. “I’ll be in touch.”

There was a finality in his voice that Dmitri hated a little, but he let Aksel keep pace with him as he got to his car and pushed the button to unlock it. He attempted to scrape off some of the chocolate and smooth the wrinkles from when Wilder had startled him, but it was pointless.

Aksel snatched it from his hands anyway, and held it up to the light. “You filled this out at work?”

Dmitri frowned and shrugged. “Yes? Is that a problem?”

“Just ballsy,” Aksel said and tucked it between his stump and armpit. “Did Wilder cry?”

At that, Dmitri had to laugh. “Wilder is not a crier. And he was the one who told me to come up here and turn it in.”

“But you were just going to let it sit there,” Aksel reminded him.

Dmitri tried to hold back his groan, but it tumbled from his lips, and he looked down at his feet. “You and I both know it’s a terrible idea.”

“You andIboth know?” Aksel repeated. He waited until Dmitri looked up, his face looking a little bit annoyed and maybe a little bit amused. “I hired someone to run my front office who didn’t even know how to type.”

“Uh. Okay,” Dmitri said. “But you can train that job.”

“She didn’t have a single qualification to her name, but it was the best decision I ever made. She’s made my life a lot easier since I left the hospital job,” Aksel’s voice turned soft. “And Roman’s an even better judge of character than I am.”

Dmitri raised a brow. “He loves you, but you two aren’t even a couple.”

Instead of getting angry, Aksel’s grin widened. “We’re complicated, but we like it that way. Anyway, he’ll have to run this up the flagpole, and it’s probably going to require some sort of promise that you’re going to get yourself all educated and certified for this job, but when he sets his mind on something, he’s like a Goddamn bull. So expect a phone call.”

Dmitri wasn’t sure that metaphor worked, but he let Aksel run with it. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Just answer one question,” Aksel offered. “Are you staying?”

“Staying?” Dmitri repeated.

“In Savannah. You don’t have some wild hair up your ass to move to Denmark and start a fashion company, right?”

He almost laughed, but he managed to keep it back. “Uh. No.”

“Then that’s all he needs.” Aksel pulled the application out and stared at it again. “You’re qualified just enough. When he calls you, give this idea a chance.”

There was something about his tone, about his piercing blue eyes, that made it impossible to say no. And it was that ferocity that Roman probably loved. Aksel was kind, and beautiful, and probably one of the most dangerous people Dmitri had ever met. And he didn’t hate that. It was thrilling, which was a shock to his mostly dull life, and he wanted to feel more of it.

“See you soon,” Aksel said after the continued silence, and he gave the car a pat before turning on his heel and going inside.

Dmitri waited a moment before sliding behind the wheel, then turned the car on without breathing first. It wasn’t until he hit the open road that he started laughing, and it wasn’t until he was back in town that he stopped.


Raphael huffed,sweat dripping off his brow as his legs spasmed. Diego had him by the hips, ass in the air and full of his cock, and his arms started to tremble. “You need to fucking come,” he ordered.

Diego shushed him with a laugh, but his cock swelled, and then Raphael felt the condom fill with his warm seed. He was eased down to his feet, and his hands grabbed at the desk as he tried to steady himself, but his chair was too far away to sit and he was about to collapse.

“A little help here,” he snapped.

Diego murmured something apologetic as he slid out, and he put one arm around Raphael’s waist as he hooked the chair with his foot and dragged it over. The rubber made a soft squeal on the tiles, but the moment it was close enough, Raphael sank down with a satisfied groan. He’d have to clean the lube stains off again, but it was worth it.

He’d been stressed out and worked up after two terrible dates that week, and he still didn’t have a plan for Dmitri’s birthday. Another year had passed, another birthday on the horizon, and Raphael was as lost as ever.

The night of, he knew his friend would be sitting out in that empty parking lot with his take-out and stars, but Raphael wanted to give him something more this time. They’d gone from casual acquaintances to something like best friends, and he was no longer content to let Dmitri feel just okay about himself.