I noticed how he barked at Beau.
And Beau may be many things, but he’s not a wilted flower. He is scary in his own right.
Beau is a bully, and people fear him.
Most don’t want to deal with him, and he usually gets his way because people don’t want to antagonize him.
It’s just not worth it.
And Beau is not easily impressed.
Not many things scare him. He’s unscrupulous. A thug.
Now I learn that these ‘protectors’ can go from good to bad in a split second. Nobody is your real protector.
They all want something from you.
And this man who has my hand locked in his grip can’t be that much different.
Damaso Salla.
His eyes twinkle with a secret smile, and every time he does that, the mask of roughness dissolves, sliding off his face, and his charm increases.
I have to look away to escape the effect he has on me, although I can’t say he’s doing it for me.
His magnetism is effortless.
I’m sure he’s not even thinking about me as much as I’m convinced he’s forgotten about Beau.
He didn’t seem impressed with my ex.
I don’t think anything can impress this man.
But Beau…
Going back to Beau.
It’s not like him to be disarmed so quickly.
Not knowing what to do, how to react, and being forced to do something against his will.
Moments ago, he was so invested in collecting me and treating me like his property, and I’m sure he’s still plotting how to get me back and even get back at this stranger.
Beau is an egomaniac like my father.
These men like to inflict pain, and they are driven by their egos.
You have to tiptoe around them.
And life always sucks when you’re around them.
They have a knack for putting so much misery into other people’s lives, and Beau is right there with them.
So, yes, that passing moment when he’s been humiliated… That will come back to haunt me. There’s no doubt about that.
Momentarily, I’m ‘partly’ safe and ‘partly’ on high alert.