“No way,” I say, amused, fooling him for a moment.
He either thinks my acting is that good, or he stupidly believes I’m siding with him.
And then my glare catches his eye, and he goes mum.
“This strange moment of sincerity on your part moves me to tears,” I say coldly. “Where did you learn to treat a woman like that? You’re forcing yourself onto her? Is that what you do?” I snark, darkly amused, looking at my men. “My evening just got better now that we have found this piece of shit. He’s the gift that keeps on giving.”
They share a peal of laughter.
“I wouldn’t laugh if I were you,” the little shit says, and the room goes quiet as if a wet blanket just fell over a fire.
My men tense up, and their eyes go to me as they’re waiting for my signal.
“What was that again?” I shoot at him.
“You heard me.”
He holds my gaze, and I lift my eyebrows in response.
“Get her out of the room,” I say, not looking at her before Louie spins around and grabs her.
“I don’t want to leave,” she says.
I flick my eyes to her.
“It’s not optional,” I retort.
“You don’t have to kill him because of me. I’ll do anything you want me to do. Just don’t kill him.”
The men in the room move their eyes from her to me.
“What would you like me to do with him, darling?”
She shrugs, not a tear glinting in her eyes, and I find her determination astounding.
I look back at Anthony.
“Do you realize how much better than you she is, you stupid fuck? Unlike you, she has a good heart. She’s concerned even with someone like you. It fucking blows my mind…” I say ironically before shooting him a stern look. “This is your second strike, dickhead. And don’t think for a second that there will be a third one. If we get there, nothing, and no one––not even her–– can save your life.”
I rise from my seat and push the chair to the side.
“What do you want me to do with him, Carmina?”
She stares at me.
“What are my options?”
I ponder while everybody in the room is tense and quiet.
“He could go home. Alive… Sort of. Or he could spend the night in the desert.”
“Is that an option?”
“It sure is. The trunk of the car he has traveled in is an option, too.”
Vito is about to protest.
Yeah, yeah…I know how much he fusses about his car.