Page 3 of The Grumpy Dad

“You go to school for nearly eight hours a day and you didn’t do anything?”

“Just the normal stuff,” she answered. “Where did my nanny go?”

“There was a little baby that needed her,” I answered, hoping it was enough to make her not feel bad. Or thrown away, which was exactly what had happened.

“What baby?”

“I don’t know.” I shrugged. “Just some baby.”

“Is she going to come back?”

“No,” I answered firmly. “Definitely not.”

“Who’s going to pick me up from school?” she asked. “And make dinner for me?”

“I’m going to find another nanny,” I replied. “For now, I’m going to ask Aunt Izzy and Uncle Cam to help out. Between the three of us, we’ll make sure you get picked up from school. You might have to come to the office for a little bit. We’ll figure it out.”

“Okay,” she said with very little concern.

It must be nice to just know you were going to be taken care of. That was a good thing. I didn’t want her to have a care in the world. She shouldn’t have to worry about a damn thing. I’m her daddy, and the only thing that mattered was making sure she was safe and protected.

I glanced over when something caught my eye. A beautiful woman walked out of the kitchen doors balancing a large, round tray on her hand with the rim sitting on her shoulder. The woman was the type you took home for a wild night. She had tattoos on her left arm, and her hair was a dark brown and cropped short. She wore bright red lipstick and heavy eyeliner. She was a tiny thing. I could imagine her riding a motorcycle.

She glanced my way, big blue eyes meeting mine. “I’ll be right there,” she said and walked past our table.

I wanted to watch her walk away but that was not the example I wanted to set for my little girl. My focus on the hot little waitress was broken when my phone rang. It was Izzy.

“Hey,” I answered. “Did you get my message?”

“I did,” she replied. “What the hell happened?”

“Long story short, I need some help with daycare until I can hire a new nanny,” I said. “Can you and Cam help out?”

“Of course. I mean, you’re kind of my boss. If you tell me to take off a little early, I have to do it, right?”

“No,” I replied. “I know you and Cam got a lot of stuff going on in the lab, but I’m hoping we can manage for a few days.”

“You cannot hire a nanny in a couple of days,” she huffed. “You can’t just hire any old lady off the street. My niece needs a good nanny. You need to take the time to properly vet them.”

“I’m not going to hire just anyone. The service I used last time was pretty good. I’ll call them Monday morning and see what they have.”

“You know I’m up for it. I’m always looking for an excuse to hang out with my favorite niece.”

“Good, can you pick her up Monday?” I asked.

“Yep, I’ll be there,” she said. “Did you fire the last nanny?”



My feet were killing me. My lower back hurt as well. I was so ready to go home. I felt like I’d been at work forever. I opened this morning, dealt with all the grumpy old farts and then worked the lunch rush. And now, after a couple of hours off, I had to work the dinner rush. I hated split shifts. It sucked up the entire day. My cheap boss sent us home for a break because he didn’t want to pay the overtime.

“Two top needs their order taken,” one of the servers said as she rushed by. “I’m going on break.”

I sighed and shook my head. It was one of those days. All morning I was plagued with senior citizens who were used to getting things their way. They all had specific tables they wanted to sit at every damn time they came in. So, when, God forbid, another customer happened to beat them to the table, they got pissed.Reallypissed. They complained about everything because they couldn’t have their table. They drank the same shitty coffee every morning, but it only tasted shitty when they couldn’t sit at their table.

“Deanna,” the cook called out.