Page 15 of The Grumpy Dad

“Honestly, I didn’t get to know him all that well,” I admitted. “He asked a lot of questions about me and we talked about Lily, but we didn’t really talk about him. But he seems decent. He loves his daughter. He seems like a really good dad.”

“Did you find out about the baby mama?” she asked. “Is she hanging around?”

“I got nothing. I didn’t ask him for obvious reasons. He never mentioned her. I did a little light stalking but I couldn’t find anything about her.”

“Maybe she’s dead,” Colleen suggested.

“Colleen! That’s not nice.”

“Death isn’t nice,” she said. “It’s not like I killed her. I’m just saying, that would explain why he didn’t talk about her.”

“Or it could have been a nasty divorce,” I said.

“Maybe,” she agreed. “What does he do?”

“He owns a company that makes some medical tech stuff,” I said.

“Oh, is he rich?”

I had to laugh. “Very. Like really, really rich. The guy is richer than I can count the zeroes. You will not believe how much money he said he’ll pay me.”

“Tell me!”

“A hundred grand a year,” I whispered.

“No way.”

“Yes!” This was why I was a little worried he might not be for real. I looked him up and he certainly seems real. I think he’s just really rich and a great dad who wants to buy the best nanny he can find.”

“Don’t talk yourself out of the job,” she said. “You deserve it. You’re going to be good at it.”

“Thank you.” I sighed. “Thanks for your help. I’m going to make dinner and take a long, hot bath.”

“Enjoy,” she said. “Hopefully, you’ll never have to eat ramen again.”

“From your lips to God’s ears.” I laughed.

After eating a very simple cheap dinner of ramen noodles beefed up with some frozen veggies, I decided to treat myself to a bubble bath. I started the water, making it nice and hot. The tub in my apartment was probably forty years old, but it held water. It creaked and groaned a lot, but it hadn’t fallen through the floor yet.

I reached for my bottle of bubble bath. It was pretty much empty. I wanted more but whenever I went shopping, I couldn’t seem to force myself to spend the five bucks on something so trivial. Five bucks meant a loaf of bread and a pack of cheap cheese. I dumped the last bit into the tub, slapping the bottom of the bottle to get as much as I could. I stuck the bottle under the faucet and dumped it into the tub.

While the tub filled, I lit a few candles and grabbed the smut book I was reading. I probably should read something that enriched my mind. If I was going to be hanging out with a little genius, I needed to do what I could to make myself a little more educated so I could keep up. I didn’t want to be the dipshit babysitter who couldn’t understand anything she said.

I stripped out of my clothes and turned off the water. The warm water enveloped me as I sank into the bubble-filled bathtub, providing a brief respite from the pressures of life. It was in these quiet moments that my mind wandered, and tonight, my thoughts revolved around the pressing need for a new job—one that would offer a chance to climb out of the deep well of debt that had consumed my life.

As I closed my eyes and let the soothing water ease the tension in my muscles, I couldn’t help but replay the financial struggles that had plagued me for far too long. The mounting bills, the endless cycle of paycheck-to-paycheck living—it was suffocating. I needed a fresh start, a chance to rebuild and regain control over my life.

Fortunately, luck seemed to be smiling down on me. I had not officially landed the job, but I was hopeful. It was just one little girl. I could win over one little girl. She was a glimmer of hope in the midst of my financial turmoil. It was a chance to not only earn a very comfortable wage, but a chance to move out of the dump I lived in. I might actually be able to afford a decent apartment and a car. I could buy new clothes and give myself some breathing room.

I closed my eyes and visualized the days ahead. There was a sense of excitement and anticipation as my mind imagined so many possibilities. The first thing I was going to do was take Colleen out to a really nice dinner. We were going to order the good stuff. The money was certainly tempting, but I was also looking forward to the new job.

I had always had a natural affinity for children, and the thought of being a positive influence in this girl’s life brought a smile to my face. The role of a nanny would allow me to escape the monotonous routines of waitressing and dive into a world filled with laughter, curiosity, and endless possibilities.

I envisioned myself crafting arts and crafts projects, helping with homework, and exploring the science projects she was fond of. I was so ready to enjoy life. My life the last few years was nothing but getting bitched at by rude customers and worrying about paying rent. I was treading water and getting nowhere. My future was bleak. If I didn’t make a change, I was going to be doing the same old shit every day for the rest of my life.

With a steady income, I could start laying the foundation for a brighter future. I was going to get out of this dump. I was actually going to get myself a bedframe, no more mattress on the floor. With my first check, I was going to buy myself some new shoes and maybe a nice, warm coat. It had been a long time since I bought myself anything new. I was all about secondhand and clearance racks.

As the last bubbles popped and dissipated, I emerged from the bath with renewed determination. The weight of my financial worries hadn’t vanished completely, but now I had a plan. If I actually landed the job, it was going to be a steppingstone toward a brighter future.