Macie shrugged her shoulders as her response.
“I think that’s enough baby talk for today. I’m sure Becca could use a break from telling us all about the ins and outs of her life right about now,” Lanie said, trying to change the subject, which I appreciated. “Besides, there’s one more thing we want to talk to you two about.” Lanie gave me a sideways glance as she said this. I knew she was wondering how this would go.
Ava and Macie gave both of us curious looks when Lanie said that. My hopes were high that Ava continued to be the sensible one in the group.
“Remember our friend Logan?” Lanie asked.
We thought having Lanie do the talking would make this go better, considering their past.
Both Ava and Macie nodded. Their interest was piqued as their eyes shifted back and forth between Lanie and me.
“Well, he obviously wasn’t here this semester, but he’s doing so well he’s coming in the spring!” she announced excitedly. And she was; I could tell it was real. There was nothing fake about Lanie. “The only problem so far is that he hasn’t been able to find a place to live. And since we have an open room at our place with me now living with Xander, Becca and I were hoping you two would be OK with him ...”
Her voice faded out as she gauged the crowd. As we both scanned the others’ faces, I noticed nothing that surprised me. Macie seemed unbothered by any of it. Ava was thoughtful and processing.
“Is he that hot blond in those pics I’ve seen with Ty? That tall one, the big guy?” Macie asked. Her eyes lit up a bit when she realized who we were asking to have live with her.
“Yeah, Mace, that’s him,” Ava responded. “Lanie, he’s also the same guy you had a problem with last year, isn’t he?”
Lanie and I exchanged glances, nervous things might take this turn.
“So listen,” Lanie answered. “I know there’s stories about what happened between me and Logan last year, and I will never diminish what he did to me. But my response wasmyresponse, due to my past. I think anyone else would have responded in a very different way to Logan’s actions that night. He and I got past what happened, and I would never want you to judge him based on what happened between us.”
Wow, even I wasn’t expecting that. As I watched Lanie’s expression for any sign of distress as she sat there, awaiting our roommates’ reaction, I saw nothing. She was being honest.
Everyone was quiet for a few minutes. Ava was the next to speak again.
“And you would be comfortable with him living with us, your friends. Living with Becca, your best friend?” Ava asked, almost accusatory.
Without hesitating, Lanie responded, “Yes.” She sat stoic for a moment, then continued. “If Logan needed a place to live, and I was the one still living there, I would be comfortable living with him. That’s how much I trust him now. He made a mistake. One mistake. Once you meet him, you can decide for yourselves, but I would never ask you to do this if I didn’t trust him.”
Ava continued to look thoughtful, but not for long.
“I trust your judgment, Lanie. If you trust him, then I trust him,” Ava said with a warm smile. “Macie, what do you say?”
“I say make sure he wears gray sweatpants, a lot!” she replied.
Ty and I were leaving the cafeteria after meeting up with Xander and Lanie for lunch. It felt pretty good to be getting back to normal. Walking to class, we hurried across the oval as a gusty wind picked up. The weather on campus was very unpredictable, but the closer we got to December, the worse it got. And I wasn’t prepared for it, only dressed in a long sleeve shirt. We came to the fork in the path where we went our separate ways for our classes.
“Here, take my hoodie?” Ty said, stopping to take it off.
“I’m almost to the building. I’ll be OK once I’m inside.”
“Bec, please, take it. It will make me feel better.” He held it out and I relented, wrapping myself in its warmth, which smelled of his scent: oak and patchouli. “I’ll see you after class, OK? And listen, he’s, um, waiting for you over by your building.”
My head snapped up to Ty’s face when he said those words.
“Who?” I asked, but from Ty’s tone, I think I already knew who he meant.
“Gage.” His voice was solemn but strong.
I looked toward my building and saw him watching us both. It was obvious he was waiting for me. “Do you want to come with me?” I asked Ty.
“Um, no. I’ll be fine never talking to him again. Listen, he’s not necessarily a bad guy.” His eyes left mine and focused on something in the distance. He seemed uncomfortable with the conversation. “I just don’t need to exchange any more words with the guy who almost stole you from me and was, well, sleeping with you. And, well, lied to you as well.” His sheepish look told me he was still apologetic about his own lies.
And when he put it that way, I completely understood.
“Love you, Bec. I’ll see you after class.” He leaned down and placed a simple kiss on my cheek and walked in the opposite direction.