Page 51 of Ruthless Roses

“Don’t you dare call me that name,” Ernest growls, barely containing himself.

Delphine touches a hand to Stitches’s shoulder. “What have you been doing? Please tell me you’re not two-timing Medjine and Sasha.”

“Never a day in my life, Mrs. Phi! How’d you manage this situation when you had that whole thing going on between your wife and Lena, Mr. Mayor?” Stitches turns the question onto Ernest as the others look his way.

There’s a vein pulsing on Ernest’s temple. “You seem to have this idea that you and I are on the same level. We are not and never will be. I’m not a decrepit criminal nor would I ever lower myself to socializing with you or anyone else at this dinner.”

“Dad,” Delphine gasps. “This is the last time I’m going to ask you to stop insulting our guests.”

“Your father’s probably not feeling well, Phi.” I cast him a look of understanding. “You know he has his medical issues. I’m sure the medication he’s on causes mood swings—”

“I’d prefer you not comment on my medical situation!” Ernest pops to his feet, his voice rising again. “In fact, I’d prefer you shut the fuck up and stay the hell away from me, Mancino!”

Delphine’s mouth falls open. “If you’re going to be this way, then you need to leave! I should’ve known today was a mistake.”

“Delphine, all I wanted was to see you and my grandson—I didn’t ask to socialize with violent gangsters or have my asshole son-in-law harass me!”

“I think you’re right. We need to speak privately.”

The suggestion is no win for Ernest. Delphine behaves with a tight sense of restraint as she apologizes to Omar and his wife and then excuses herself from the others. Without waiting for Ernest’s agreement, she strides into the house.

Ernest looks to me, the first hint of cockiness returning. He practically leaps out of his chair to follow Delphine, assuming I won’t do the same.

That’s where he’s wrong. I fully intend on making the most of the moment. I’ve only gotten started.

Our biggest reveal is yet to come.

After waiting a couple seconds as buffer time, I stroll down the path Delphine and Ernest took. Their argument trickles in the moment I turn the corner on the east wing side of the house.

“Salvatore’s been nothing but nice to you today! I’ve had enough.”

“You have to be kidding, Delphi! Don’t you see what he’s doing?”

“He’s been enjoying our dinner party. He and everyone else are getting along great.”

“That doesn’t surprise me considering the company he keeps. All these mobsters he brings around you and my grandson.”

“These mobsters are more civilized than your friends in the Neptune Society. I’ve been to one of their dinner parties. Have you forgotten, Dad? I was almost forced into sexual slavery.”

He lets out a rough breath. “For the last time, Delphine, they were never my friends! You give your gangster husband the benefit of the doubt, yet you won’t do the same for your father? You’ll come to regret this!”

“It’s never ending with you, isn’t it? You can’t let bygones be bygones. You can’t let me be happy so long as I’m doing something you personally don’t approve of. Wake up, Dad—it’s years later, Salvatore and I are happily married. We have asontogether. Don’t you think it’s time you let it go?”

His irritation returns in spades, twisting onto his face. “I’ll never let go of the dislike I have for that man! I will never stop believing you’ve made a grave mistake being with him!”

“Then we have nothing else to talk about. My husband and my son are where I belong, and if you refuse to accept that, then it sounds like you’re the one that needs to go.”

“Delphi, you can’t be serious—”

“I’ve never been more serious. Please leave.”

Now. Now’s the moment.

I lurk in the shadows, pulling out my phone, and sending Stitches and our computer guy a text. If all goes according to plan, they should be on standby, waiting for the right moment.

Delphine’s barely asked Ernest to leave when his phone begins chiming from the pocket of his dress pants. His Blue Star app begins speaking to him in the cool female voice associated with the surveillance system.

“Residence 1677 Crestmoore Road in Westoria currently has an active population of one hundred and twenty-two people. Would you like to view the activity in one of these rooms?” the app asks.