Page 100 of Obsessed Kings

I relinquish my grip on her chain.

She sucks in air, then screams as she beats my chest. "You monster."

She stares down at the mess between her legs. Shiny cum blends with the crimson that cascades across the sheets. Droplets of the deadly potion trickle down the sides of the bed, splattering on the floor. I could paint a sadistic work of art with a dead body with all this blood and cum. Call it a masterpiece.

I grab her arms. Pin them behind her head. Her pathetic screams fill the air.

"Monster. And master."



Sunlight breezes in through the bedroom window. I roll over, yawning as I jab Rook’s side. "Wake the fuck up, pussy."

He growls, kicking my side as he rams a pillow over my head. "I do what I want when I want. Don't tell me what to do."

Yeah, Rook and I sometimes sleep in the same bed.


Nothing ever happens. We’re best friends who’ve been sleeping over since we were learning how to walk. We get blackout drunk, embrace to tell each other we appreciate one another’s friendship, and crash onto a cozy mattress.

That’s what men do. Pussy ass bitches don't understand it. They’re so afraid to show the slightest bit of affection to their boys.

Losers. All of them.

After we fuck bitches together, we always crash in the same room. Sometimes we even cuddle like bros do. Shut the fuck up, whore. I can tell some bitch is judging me. A real man tells his friends he cares about them. And hugs them when he’s piss-face drunk.

I sniff the air, confusion barreling through me.

What… is that?

"I smell a slut."

Rook’s left eye crooks open. "Shit. Me, too."

I ram upward. Rage slams behind my temples. Veins pulse in my forehead, pushing me to the brink of insanity. "Some bitch got her cherry busted."

Don’t ask me how I smell so fucking well. As a playboy, it’s my superpower. I’ve busted so many cherries I’m a pro at this shit.

Rook whips around to face me. "Olivia."

We race out of bed, throwing the blankets back as our powerful feet charge across the floor. I can’t help but issue Rook’s giant cock that hangs between his legs a nod. It’s semi-erect which means that it’s bigger than my fucking wrist. Damn, if only I had a cock like that. He’s a monster. Savage. Primal.

I ram my fist on Olivia’s bedroom door. "Wake up."

Rook growls as he tries to open it. "It’s locked."

I body-slam her door, splintering it into a million pieces. Shards of luxurious mahogany fly around my shoulders as a deafening crack fills the air. Shards of the door topple onto the marble floors, creating a disturbance that sounds like metal raindrops.

Olivia is lying on her bed passed out. Her pussy is split wide open and blood stains the sheets. No one bathed her after they took her virginity.

Rook’s jaw clenches. "Colt."

I issue Rook a curt nod. "I’m so fucking pissed off I can’t even think."

Rook charges toward Olivia. He grabs her by the shoulders, ramming her head up as he snarls in her face. "Wake up, whore."