Page 90 of Obsessed Kings

I decide to grow a pair of ovaries and cut through the bullshit. "That’s why you used to come into my room naked after your showers when I was a teenager, isn’t it? So you couldteach me how to be a lady."

Nate’s cheeks turn pink, "You’re making that out to be something it wasn’t."

My father looks at Nate. "Your sister is obviously still processing her mother’s death. It’s better if you relax a bit."

"I’ve long since processed Mom’s death." I try not to sound bitchy or snappish.Whenever men tick a woman off, they love to minimize her emotions by calling her a reactive bitch."I’m upset that Nate was weird to me when I was still living here."

Nate glares at me. His eyes glower. "Quit it."

Dad issues Nate a look. "There’s no reason to come into your sister’s bedroom naked after your showers. I didn’t know you did that."

"Olivia was getting to that age where she needed to learn about the human body. Mom wasn’t around anymore to help her so I stepped in."

My father nods. "That makes sense. Well, maybe you went about it the wrong way."

"Ya think?" I spit out. God, I can’t deal with this. "I’m heading to my old room. I need some time to think."

* * *

After my fatherand Nate finish dinner, I figure enough time has passed for me to confront my stepbrother on his bizarre behavior.

I march toward his room and knock on the door. "We need to talk."

Nate opens the door. He’s taken off the sweater that he had on at the table and he’s in his underwear. I don't even think this is strange at this point. He’s always removing articles of clothing around me even though technically he’s in his own room this time.

Nate’s eyes glower. "I was about to have some private time. I didn’t realize you wanted to join."

"Believe me." I push past him, then head to his desk and sit down. "I don’t."

Nate closes his door after looking in the hall. He walks to his bed, settling onto the mattress across from me. "Okay, let it out. Tell me I’m a monster for trying to help you when you were in high school."

My eyes roll back. "You know exactly what you were doing. I’m finally a woman now and I’ve found my fucking voice. What you did was messed up."

Nate shakes his head. "This is where the miscommunication lies. I neverdidanything."

"Yeah, you fucking did. Coming into my room stark naked and showing me your cock isdoingsomething."

Nate shoots me a death glare. "I’m not a fan of you using that word: cock. It’s unladylike."

My heel digs into the floor, illustrating how pent-up and annoyed I feel inside. "You have no right to lecture me."

"My only goal is to help you become a woman. Mom’s death affected all of us. Dad wasn’t going to teach you anything so I stepped up to the plate."

"Showing me your cock and balls isn’t helping me," I scream. Rage pounds my temples and makes me claw at the seat I’m sitting on. I realize that Nate’s probably sat in this chair naked countless times, and the thought grosses me out. "And your pre-cum. You act like I don't remember when you did that."

"Every woman needs to learn what pre-cum is eventually. I’d fail my duty to you as your stepbrother to let you enter your first marriage without understanding how a man’s body works."

I pinch the bridge of my nose. "You’re such a fucking weirdo."

"I’m looking out for your best interest."

My eyes flit around the room. It’s decorated with posters of sport’s teams, football quarterbacks, and cheerleaders. His high school letter jacket from when he ran cross country hangs next to his closet along with the plaques commemorating his athletic abilities. A picture of him and his running coach is by his door, which creeps me out a bit.

Why does Nate’s room look the exact same as when he graduated high school?

Why hasn’t he updated it to reflect his age?

I issue Nate a cutting look. "You don't still live with Dad, do you?"