Page 81 of Obsessed Kings

A salesgirl wanders over to us. "It sounds like you two are having some trouble."

I whip around toward her. "Leave us alone.You have no idea who we’re buying this for."

Brock rams his meaty fist on my shoulder. "At the risk of being banned from thischocolatier, I’ll handle this conversation."

As it turns out, the salesgirl speaks French.

I march to the window, cursing as she and Brock converse in the language that sets every bitch’s pussy on fire.

Rage pops behind my temples.

I could never learn a foreign language. I’m barely making it through Saintswood as it is.

This is my other dirty secret. My father’s money is the only reason that I haven’t been expelled. Other top players on the Sinners with grades as piss poor as mine have been booted without mercy. My father bribed my professors last semester to keep me in. My fucking bitch ass crackhead mother told them that I was traumatized from juvie so they needed to go easy on me like that Adele song, but that ticked me off even more. I hate being some fucking charity case that people need to treat with gentleness.

For once in my goddamn life I’d like to sink or swim on my own accord. Study hard for an exam and ace it. Or fail it and suffer the consequences. I used to be smart as a kid. Then, I got into bad shit and everything went downhill. It’d be tough to pass an exam when I can’t even concentrate long enough on studying.

It’s not my fault that college is so fucking boring. It’s not like football. Learning new plays and strategizing how to kick our enemies’ asses excites me. My blood rushes through my head and I feel the voice of my ancestors urging me on. In a classroom, I’m close to death. The sight of a textbook makes me fall asleep.

That’s why I spent so much time fucking teacher whores in high school. I couldn’t concentrate on the lessons. Seducing MILFs was ten times more interesting. And more useful for my daily life. I’d stare at her like a predator mapping his prey from the middle of the class. Make her blush and trip over her feet. I’d tell her I had difficulty understanding the lessons and that I needed extra-curricular assistance.

I actually did need outside-of-the-classroom help. However, the only thing I did was fuck my teachers in those private tutoring sessions. I never learned how to study. I was too busy getting straight As in the school of pussy.

"We’re getting Olivia chocolate cake." Brock’s gaze could ignite explosives.

"And this teddy." I smirk as I pick up a teddy, then waggle it in front of Brock’s dead-set eyes. "Bitches love teddy bears. You have so much to learn,monsieur."

Brock isn’t impressed. "Your pronunciation is straight trash."

"I’ll pronounce you dead in two seconds flat if you don’t drop that attitude."


I don't want to tell them.

They’ll start a riot.

Throw shit or at least break the windows of the penthouse.

I couldn’t live with myself if I provoked them into doing that.

"I can’t believe I’m doing it." I pace back and forth, my phone in my hand as I debate with myself. "They’ll go ballistic."

Brock and Rook are coming over to spend time with me this afternoon. I want to use the time to tell them about Nate. I started to the other day before Colt barged in.

I’m furious that I didn’t get to finish telling them about my stepbrother. The truth of the matter is that my Kings don’t know enough about my past. They have no idea how uncomfortable Nate made me feel when he’d come into my room. They have no idea that I poured myself into my schoolwork after my mother died because it was the one thing that helped me escape the sadness in my heart. I’m not sure they even know my mother died. I assume they’ve researched everything about me, but they also easily may have not. They don’t seem like they care about me.

I curse myself when I think about how I took Colt’s sadistic spanking the other day.

I was so pathetic. Such a stupid girl.

It was my fault that I provoked him. I was too loud when he stomped into the penthouse. Brock and Rook had already warned me that he was in a bad mood. What did I do? I didn’t fucking listen. I thought that I could temper Colt’s meanness with the same sweetness I was feeling with Brock and Rook.

Colt hurt me in a place I didn’t realize I could be hurt. People in Central Park walking about with their lovers stared at me as he viciously took me from behind. They heard my screams, my futile cries. I clutched the balcony railing and I don’t doubt they saw my pink face as Colt ravaged me.

I liked it.

I never said I wanted it.