Page 69 of Obsessed Kings

I glare at her. "I spilled my heart to you and all you can think about are tacos."

"You were right. They’re really good."

"Thank Brock." A sigh escapes me. "He’s the one who turned me onto the restaurant."

"The restaurant isn’t the only thing he turned on." Rina cackles as she punches my shoulder. "What? I’m not supposed to keep it real?"

"You keep it realer than real. Too real."

"You’ve got thehottestboys on the football team ready to drop everything to fuck you. They’ve bought you the finest things. Jewelry. Clothes. Shoes. No girl on campus looks as hot as you. You’re not only turning the boys’ heads. There are girls that’d go down on you in a heartbeat. They beg me for those pictures I took of you when you were coming out of the showers back when we were roommates so they can finger themselves. I always turn them down, because those aremyphotos to bust a nut to."

"I’m being abused!" I holler, tears welling in my eyes. "Hold up. Did you say you have naked photos of me?"

Rina tugs out her phone and scrolls through her pictures. "They’re in here somewhere. We have to get past these dick pics from my new boxer boyfriends."

"You have so many fucking dick pics on your phone."

"When you take dick as good as me, you get rewarded." Rina stops at a stealthy nude she snapped of me. "This is the one. Damn, you’re hot."

I stare at myself covered in beads of water. I’m fresh out of the shower with no clue that anyone was taking my picture. My hair covers my face and in my estimation, I look frumpy as fuck.

"I can’t even look at that." I try not to get sick.

Rina turns to me with affection in her eyes. "You’ve grown so much since you’ve been with the Sinners. The shy, timid scholarship student you were when you arrived at Saintswood is fading. A badass bitch who rules Saintswood with an iron fist is trying to take her place. The Kings are cutting through your defenses and showing you the power you didn’t know you had. It was always inside of you, Olivia. You thought you’d find it through studying, but you were wrong. You’re accessing it through Colt, Brock, and Rook. They’re transforming you into a Queen."

Rina takes my hand, then guides me toward a full-body mirror in the living room. She removes my Versace hoodie, Louis Vuitton sweatpants, my bra and panties, and forces me to look at myself. "Look how powerful you are. This isn’t the body of a virgin who doesn’t know her way around a boy. This is the body of a Queen. One that can breathe fire and reign with dignity. The diamonds you wear are a testament to the tenacity you’ve always had. You’d be a fool to leave your Kings. You’re becoming a warrior princess."

It’s not lost on me that Rina didn’t say Iwasa warrior princess—yet. I’m turning into one. It’s a journey of growth that I’ve only ventured down, a destination that I can see through the windshield of my chariot but haven’t arrived at yet.

"Fucking hell." I stare at my body, my bruised breasts, my battered hips. I don’t dare turn around and look at my ass. It’d be too painful.

"Rise up and own your power, Queen. This is the price you pay to be strong."

I glare at Rina. "I look like a battered woman."

"You’ve been battered with love. Colt, Brock, and Rook don't know how to show affection. They’ve had to be too strong for too long for that. If you want them to be sensitive, you must fix them. Teach them that it’s okay to let their guard down around you. Only a Queen can help a King access his feelings."

I think about each of my Kings and what they conceal from me. Rook has secrets about why he went to juvie. Brock can’t speak about the bullying he went through because he spoke fluent French. And Colt? His secrets are deadliest of all. Something happened in his past that was so traumatic that it causes him to destroy the women he’s with. I’m the one he’s hurt the most. I can tell.

I mull Rina’s words. Is she telling the truth? Is she right?

"Are you sure?" My eyes focus on Rina. I pray she’s not wrong.

Rina holds my hand. "You’ve been chosen to serve a group of extremely powerful men. Serving requires you to be brave in ways you can’t fathom. Your Kings only know how to inflict pain. You’re the one who can change them."




I didn’t realize I was capable of this.

"Thank you." I wrap my arms around Rina, hugging her tight. "I guess you’re right."

I won’t break up with my Kings. It’d be a traitorous thing to do. They need me as much as I need them. They’re crazy without me. Hell, they’d possibly all be in prison if I hadn’t blessed them with my presence this semester. I’m the only thing keeping their heads screwed on straight. If I go, their lives will fall apart.

"I have a very giving nature." My eyes well with tears. "I haven’t shared this with anyone, but when my mother was passing away, I cooked for her every day. She told me that she regretted marrying my father because he didn’t treat her like a Queen. She told me never to settle for anything less than a man who builds me into a woman who can do anything."