Page 67 of Obsessed Kings



"Hey, girlie."

I throw my arms around Rina the second she enters the penthouse. "I’m so glad you’re here."

"Why?" She waggles her brows. "Do you want another excuse to binge on pizza and brownies?"


Who wouldn’t?

"I actually needed to talk to you about something important."

Something importantis putting it mildly. I’ve been sitting on an ice pack for seven days straight. On the helicopter, I had to have my men install my own personal refrigerator. It’s black as the night to reflect the present mood of my soul.

Brock told me that I should get a pink fridge, but I snarled at him and nearly bashed him over the head with my crocodile Birkin. The boys who destroy your asshole shouldn’t get a say on what color fridge you buy. It’smyice pack fridge, goddamnit. I went all lioness on him and he backed off. Thank fuck.

"Nothing’s more important than pizza." Rina plops down on my sofa, then sprawls out her legs. "I got accused of manspreading in the fucking hallway yesterday. I was stretching my pussy out when this group of boxers started giving me shit. They said that if they couldn’t manspread, I couldn’t. I told them to eat my pussy and quit acting like little bitches. Guess what they did."

"They ate your pussy in the hallway."

"Fuck no." Rina shoots me a concerned look. "Girl, they wouldn’t do that in front of so many people. They’re not that screwed up in the head."

My bullies are.

I slump onto the sofa next to her when I think about how many times Colt, Brock, and Rook have humiliated me in public.

More than I can count.

I’m lucky no one’s taken a video and destroyed my life.

"I’d love to hear what they did." I rest my cheek on Rina’s shoulder.

She pats my head like a dog. "They gave it to me rough in the boys’ bathroom. Can you believe that shit? One second, they’re whining about female privilege. The next, one cock is in my cunt, one in my mouth, and another filling my pussy. They fucked me so hard I had to go to the nurse’s office for painkillers. I lied and said that I was on my period and forgot my Percocet. The nurse wiped some cum out of my hair and said,You lying bitch, I know what you were up to."

I take a good look at Rina. Something sinks inside of me as I take in her gorgeous figure, beautiful thick hair, perfect ass, and bubbly personality. She’s the type of girl who’d love to have the Kings of the Sinners bully, push, and smack her around. She’d probably jump at the chance for them to fuck her hard in a locker room.

A chill travels up my spine when I recall what happened last week. I had no clue what I was getting myself into, but with my Kings, that’s typical. Still, a football up my ass after I’d already taken two cocks was unexpected. Footballs are immense. A girl doesn’t ever wonder about these sorts of things until they happen.

You don't know how bad shit can be until it happens to you. I was a daisy fresh girl before I came to Saintswood.

What a fool I was to think I’d lose my innocence to a guitar player in my dorm room.

"When I first arrived at this college, I assumed I’d meet a guitar playing virgin who’d sweep me off his feet with his strumming skills. I had no inkling that I’d be taking as much cock as you." I rest my chin on my fist.

Rina shoots me a side eye. "Spill the tea, sis."

"First, we should grab drinks. And ice cream."

"Bitch." Rina throws her head back, cackling like a crack whore who tries heroin for the first time. "You know what to say to make a bitch’s coochie throb."

We head to the kitchen to raid the pantry. Esmerelda issues me a judgmental look, but I tell her to scram.

It’s not long before we’re shitfaced, binging on ice cream, and getting pedicures as we watch a horror movie on my movie theater-sized TV.

"I hope this bitch dies. She has no business going in that fucking barn. Dumb cunt should turn back before she gets knifed." Rina isn’t a fan of the protagonist.