Page 4 of Obsessed Kings


It calcifies the blood in my veins, leaving a trail of crimson crystals in its wake.

Jagged pricks of my cold heart break off and contaminate my soul.

One look.

That’s all it took to cause the ice that’s encapsulated me ever since my little sister was abducted and murdered ten years ago to crack.

One look at the angel in the sweater to grow obsessed.

To a lesser man, my obsession wouldn’t make sense. I’m the starting quarterback on the Sinners. Bitches throw themselves at me every single day. At the frat party, no fewer than ten sluts in kitty ears begged for my cock. Why would I spend my night bringing her to her knees when literal models for luxury brands want me?

I only had eyes for her.

She was staring out the window with a cup in her hand. Her waves of auburn hair trickled over her sweater like a crimson waterfall, painting a picture of innocence mingled with sin. Sick thoughts about forcing her to her knees and burying my shaft in her throat hijacked my mind.

She was…different.A glance at her sweater was all I needed to know. She was so much more intelligent than the whores who’ve been through more cock than they can remember. My angel was probably quizzing herself on the names of the constellations. Or thinking about poetry. Those other girls are such bitches. The Sinners have run through all of those whores with their fake tits and lip injections more times than they can count.

When Brock and Rook caught her shooting us a look, they grew obsessed, too.

"Knock this shit off." I skate through the hallway to the gym. I’m planning to get my third workout of the day in before my next class starts. My head is on fire and rage pounds the inside of my skull. All I want is her.Her."You can’t lose your mind over some bitch."

Bitches mean nothing to me. As a football prodigy, I’m used to women throwing themselves at me. I lost my virginity at thirteen to my coach’s smoking hot daughter and I’ve been a pussy magnet ever since. Coach was quickly fired after his daughter started nasty rumors about me because I made her bleed. Coach wanted to kick me off the team, but our principal had other ideas. I was too talented to go to some other school where I’d whoop my high school’s ass. His daughter got therapy and turned out all right. Nothing to whine about.

All the bitches at Saintswood will drop to their knees if I do so little as look at them. It’s not even a challenge at this point. There’s no fun involved because they all go gaga the instant they see me staring.

The auburn-haired angel at the party is one of a kind.

Something about her… set her apart from the rest. Perhaps it was her wide blue eyes that stared up at me as she took my cock. Or the tears that streamed down her cheeks when I came on her face.

Or perhaps the way she claimed she was a virgin when there’s no fucking way she was.

I’m sick of the women at Saintswood. The college boasts a student body of irredeemable sluts. An actual German princess was my semester slut last year before I made her cry one too many times and she ran with her clit between her legs back to Daddy. She also didn’t like when I lent her out to Rook and Brock to use whenever she liked.

Tough shit.

If you’re going to be my slut, you’re going to take my friends’ cocks, too.

We’re the real royals of this school.

Administrators, professors, and coaches bend over backwards for us.

My friends don't compete for pussy.

We share.

We’re Kings.

"If you don't stop thinking about this bitch, you’re going to lose it." The party was five days ago. I’ve had five fucking twenty-four-hour cycles to scrub her existence from my mind.

This is so uncharacteristic of me. Not only do I not grow obsessed with pussy, I barely even think about it. Fucking girls ranks so low on my to-do list that I barely make time for it.

I’m going pro next year. I haven’t been drafted yet and I know that the only way I will be is if I give my all to the Sinners.

I also have another project that occupies my time. One that I started a decade ago after my little sister vanished while walking home from school.

Don’t even think about that shit right now. Clear your head.