Page 32 of Obsessed Kings

Tears pour down my cheeks, trickling onto my top. "Please. Get off me."

"If you were wise, you’d pull down those panties and let me at your cunt."

Tingles shoot up my spine. I try to scream again, but he rams his meaty palm over my mouth, trapping the words behind my trembling lips. The smell of fresh cologne, sweat, and something else that seems a lot like cum enters my nose, the tornado of scents whipsawing me into submission. Oh god, tell me why the scent of cum is mingled with those other smells. He was touching himself in my closet, wasn’t he? Did he come on my clothes, my nice blouses that I saved up all my money for so I wouldn’t look like such a fool as I walked around Saintswood with all these rich kids?

Colt is a savage. A primal killer.

In this century, he throws touchdowns and beats his enemies’ asses with his skill on the field.

Three thousand years ago, he would’ve murdered rivals with his bare fists and left them in a bloodied pulp on the battlefield.

He would’ve ridden wooly mammoths. Made dinosaurs his bitches. Commanded armies of hundreds of thousands of men.

Colt takes what he wants without asking.

Colt’s giant cock throbs against the sensitive skin of my pale tummy. "You let Brock eat your pussy."

"Let me go." I choke on my sobs, unable to get away. I wish I knew why he was doing this, why he insists on tormenting me.

His right hand squeezes my neck. Gagging coughs fling up from my lungs in a futile attempt to suck in air. Black tides of pain thrust my soul under the surface of an invisible lake of drowning. My lungs demand oxygen that doesn’t exist here. Fiery bursts explode in my veins.

Black spots dance before my eyes, and the monster on top of me flickers in and out of my vision. I’m passing out. There’s no other explanation.

"I don't let little girls who let my friends tease their pussy go without getting a taste of what they’re withholding from me."

"I’m not withholding anything from you." I can barely breathe, but I manage to force these words out.

Colt thrusts his left hand between my legs. My limbs turn numb as he plunges a finger into my cunt, fingering me to see if I’m lying. He rubs my clit, then tests to see if I’ve still got my virginity or if his friends took it without his asking.

"You’re not the whore I assumed you were." Colt’s feral, devilish look turns my blood to ice. "Too bad."

At last, he lets me breathe. I grab my neck, clawing at my skin as I gulp in air, willing it to nourish my lungs. Every inch of my chest burns, my veins filled not with blood cells, but red-hot embers. Burning prongs of pain slam against my ribs, injuring more than my dignity.

Colt keeps his finger into my pussy. He doesn’t move it, doesn’t pinch my clit.

This is an act of violation. He’s keeping it there until you cry out for him to remove it.

"Colt." I stare at his finger in my virgin pussy, then whimper on the mattress. "Take it out. Please."

Colt’s uncaring eyes lock on mine. "I can’t let my friends take something from you that I haven’t had myself. I’m your King. Your fucking God. I rule this campus with an iron fist. Sluts like you bow beforeme.Whores like you spread your legs forme."

"I can’t lose my virginity like this."

"I don't want your virginity tonight. I want something else from my little Olive."

Colt rams my legs apart, yanks my ass up, and spits on my ass crack so hard that bullets of heat slam into my core before he buries his face deep in my asshole, his tongue plunging into my folds. I cry out, my legs shooting back, the sensation so unfathomable that I don't have time to comprehend it. He swipes his tongue back and forth, stoking the embers of my need, ripping something from me that I didn’t even know I could give.

I’ve never dreamt a man could put his face in my ass. The thought is so humiliating, so degrading that I clench my ass at once, clawing at my mattress as feral sobs escape me, pain for the loss of my innocence filling my soul. I clench my thighs together, my pussy tingling with his finger still lodged in it, willing him to stop.

Go away.

Colt doubles down on his path of destruction. His calloused finger plunges deeper into my cunt as his tongue pistons into my ass, licking me in a private place I didn’t know a girl could be licked. His tongue scissors to the left, then to the right, dancing across my sensitive walls, making my insides tremble.

My pussy cinches around his digit, and try as might to fend my heat off, the combined sensations stirring up a conflagration in my core are too intense. A pulse of need shoots through me, and hot liquid drips down his wrist.

Colt tickles my pussy. "Now, you want to come like a little slut. When I’ve got my tongue up in your asshole. You’re my dirty little slut, Olive. No other man knows how bad you are. How much you beg for my cock."

Why is my body doing this to me? My heart hammers in my chest as another match lights up my insides, making everything from my ass to my toes burn. My head whips back, and I clench so hard around Colt’s pinky that I let go.