Page 96 of Thorns of Frost

And I would marry the prince and claim him as my mate.

When I exploded through the surface of the Bay of Nim, the archons’ eyes went wide, and a grin spread across Prince Norivun’s face. Out of the water, my air affinity excelled. A gust of wind blew me toward the shore, and a new victory was within my grasp.

Georgyanna still stood where I’d left her. When I realized she hadn’t moved at all, shock flitted through me. It was as though she was trying to lose.

Frowning, I calmed my magic and let my air release me as I dropped to the sand.

The second I came in contact with land, a jolt of pure electricity zinged along my soles. I screamed in pain as my entire body seized. Electric currents coursed through me, burning me from the inside out.

Oh gods!

A roar of fury came from Prince Norivun as his wings flexed, and a cruel smile spread across Georgyanna’s lips.

No, no, no.

I’d relaxed my magic too much. I’d let my protective Shield down just enough for Georgyanna’s magic to take hold.

Before I could react, the Kroravee native plucked the crown from my electrified fingertips as her lips widened in a gleeful smile.

She gave me her back and flounced toward the king.

I burst through her magic and lunged toward her, but I was too late.

Bowing low, she lifted the crown to King Novakin.

“Your Majesty, may I present you with the trinket that was waiting at the bottom of the sea. I do believe this makes me the winner of test two.”


Taberitha Wormiful grinned as I sputtered, “But, she can’t...I mean, how can she do that!” Water dripped from my clothes, and hair stuck to my cheeks while my chest heaved.

Norivun leveled a deadly scowl at Georgyanna just as Beatrice appeared at the top of her earthen tunnel, and Meegana shot out of the water and landed on the beach only feet from me.

But King Novakin only gave a low laugh and accepted the crown from Georgyanna’s outstretched hand as the other two females and I stood with gaping mouths.

Beatrice and Meegana gave me a bewildered look as the king eyed Georgyanna thoughtfully. “Cunning and cruel. Two traits that would make a fine queen indeed.”

My denial that Georgyanna would actually be declared the winner withered and died when I saw the king’s approval. Heapplaudedwhat Georgyanna had done. Of course he did. The male was a monster. The true monster here. And then there were the rules of the Trial. These tests could be won by any means necessary.

My entire body slumped as the absolute devastation of losing test two hit me. Georgyanna had no doubt felt similar when I’d won the first test by outsmarting her, and now I’d lost test two because Georgyanna had outsmarted me.

It was cruelly ironic.

Sir Featherton clapped his hands. “What a delight! A true competition! We now have two females in the running for our future queen. Since Lady Seary won the first test and Lady Endalaver won the second test, they will compete in the final test tomorrow. Ladies Ockson and Leafton, you have my deepest condolences on your losses, but seeing as neither of you has won a test yet, you shall be removed from the Trial. The king will ultimately decide who your betrothals will be and will let you know following the final test.” Sir Featherton bowed at them as my heart beat even harder.

Meegana and I shared a fearful look. She was out of the competition? Just because she hadn’t won a test yet, she was no longer in the Trial?

I squeezed Meegana’s hand as worry etched her features. I knew she was thinking of Nuwin.

“He might still be your husband,” I said quietly. “This could still work out in your favor.”

Tears brimmed in her eyes. “But he’s the king’s second son. How can he possibly be given to the third or fourth winner? Surely, he’ll be betrothed to the runner-up of the Trial.”

I frowned, my eyebrows pulling together. Something told me the king didn’t favor anyone, even his own son, if another was stronger.

Enraged pulses of power beat from Norivun’s aura. His jaw locked tightly as his murderous gaze stayed latched to Georgyanna.

But he must have felt me looking at him, must have felt my plea.