Page 111 of Thorns of Frost

Sweat poured from my brow as the winter wind blew over my wet clothing. My muscles strained, but slowly, I made my way toward the column, fighting and straining for every step that I won.

But just when the column was within my grasp, Georgyanna reached the other side. A burst of electricity shot into me as the vines disappeared back into the ground, and the sand beneath me suddenly rose higher and higher, hardening into bricks at my sides.

My breath stuttered. Pain sliced through me as the burn from the electricity set my nerves on fire. Through the haze of my sizzling essence, I glanced toward the other female. I thought for certain Georgyanna would be in a similar state, but the twisted smile on her face made my heart nearly stop.

This new challenge wasn’t the test’s magic. Georgyanna was usingheraffinities against me. Again. Just as she had during the second test and when she’d tried to kill me on the balance beam.

She seemed to sense the second I did that I was weaker than her. A maniacal cackle split her lips as her constructo affinity stacked the sand, solidifying it into bricks around me. The bricks rose higher, then higher. She was burying me alive.


An oily tendril suddenly curled around my mind, and then—

I’m going to die.

She’s going to kill me.

I screamed when thousands of tiny bugs appeared everywhere upon my skin.

I’m being buried alive.

Eaten alive.

Blessed Mother, save me!

The insects crawled along my skin and burrowed into my flesh. I thrashed and swatted at them, but they remained. Eating. Digging. Skittering.

Get them off me! Oh Mother Below!

Brick after brick continued stacking. I kicked at the solid sand, but it was too solid to crumble.

Georgyanna’s wicked grin spread wider.

My vision grew hazy.

Another electric burn skated over my skin. I screamed again.

Burning alive.

Buried alive.

Eaten alive.

Someone. Anyone. Save me!

Something rumbled in my gut.Magic. For a brief second my mind cleared. I glimpsed my magic, reached for it,beggedfor it—

Georgyanna’s magic increased.

A fresh electric sting seized me as a thousand more insects appeared.

Oh gods! They’re eating me again!

