Page 103 of Thorns of Frost

I suppressed a smile. “I can walk, you know.” Especially since the pain was now gone.

But his frown only deepened. “Let me do this. It...soothes something in me.”

My eyes softened. I knew there was no point trying to fight his mating instincts, so I nodded.

The prince dismissed his guards, and after all of them said their goodbyes and wished me well, Norivun mistphased us out.

We reappeared in his chambers. The familiar huge room and gigantic bed waited in the dark. “You want me to sleep here?”

“Yes.” His frown grew. “I want you close tonight.”

He set me on his bed, then went to start the fire. Crackling flames soon filled the hearth.

“What would you like for supper?”

I shrugged. “Surprise me.”

He rang for food, and Balbus answered the call. The portly servant’s eyes widened when he saw me. Usually, the prince and I kept our encounters a secret, even from his servants, but since the prince didn’t try to shield me from Balbus, I knew his worry had surpassed his concern over our relationship leaking.

At least Balbus was trustworthy. He’d never been anything but loyal to the prince.

The prince gave him a laundry list of food to bring.

Balbus bowed. “Of course, my prince. I shall endeavor to have all of it delivered swiftly.” He gave me a bow as well. “Lady Seary, a pleasure to see you again as always.”

“You too, Balbus,” I replied. “I’ve missed our chats. Tell me, how’s Marcina?”

Surprise flitted across his face, then he beamed. “She’s fine and has recovered completely from her ailment. I shall tell her you asked of her.”

Still beaming, the servant swirled from the room, and when it was just me and the prince, Norivun sat beside me on the bed as his wings draped behind him. “You know his wife?”

I shook my head. “I’ve never met her, but he’s told me about her and his family. She got sick a few months ago. I’m glad she’s better.”

Raw emotion filled his eyes as he grasped my hand. “You amaze me more and more every day.” His finger stroked the back of my hand as his frown returned. “How are you feeling?”

“Tired.” My cheeks warmed as the bond between us billowed, as though an invisible tether connected us, and each of us was tugging at the other.

“Come here.” He pulled me to his side, tucking me into him. Unlike our usual time spent in his bed, he didn’t try to seduce me or drive me to distraction with his mouth.

He just held me.

I laid my head against his chest, and his steady heartbeat was like a soothing balm on my nerves. With each of his breaths, my head lifted slightly, and soon, my eyes were closing as sleep pulled at me.

He stroked my hair, his hand moving up and down my back and arms. They were soft, lulling motions that made me shiver with need while wanting to sleep simultaneously.

A soft knock came on the door, and then Balbus bustled through with an enormous tray.

“My prince and lady.” He bowed. “Where shall I set this, Your Highness?”

“By the fire is fine, Balbus.”

The servant did as asked, moving around the room on ghostly steps until everything was ready for our meal before departing just as quickly.

Once we were alone again, my mate lifted me and carried me to the couch, and I let him since I knew keeping me close and feeling that he was doing something to protect and care for me were what his instincts demanded.

“Are you warm enough?” His brow furrowed, worry lining his eyes as he settled me on the sofa.

I sat back more and tucked my legs beneath me. “Yes, I’m fine.”