Page 64 of Wild Pucker

"Yes, I know. She told me she recently got out of a bad relationship with a former hockey player. I don't know everything, but I know enough. She doesn't seem overly keen on starting anything with me, though."

"Oh please," I say and roll my eyes. "That girl deserves someone as wonderful as you. Half of the city is in love with you. Don't let her push you away. I'm sure you'll charm her one way or another."

The corners of Sam's lips turn up optimistically, and I hope everything works out for them. I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and that good things come to those who wait. Sam and Sam are probably perfect for each other, and I'm about to say as much when I'm interrupted by a few of the players storming into my kitchen.

"Hey Lil, you got any ketchup?" Ollie asks, eyes roaming the countertops and shelves.

"Um, no, I don't. Absolutely not. What do you need ketchup for?"

"For dipping, obviously."

"No," I ground out on a full-body shiver of repulsion. "No, no, no. I did not just cook you a gourmet meal so you could slather sugary tomato paste all over it. What are you? Eight? It's not chicken nuggets. It's a panko-crusted, doubled-breasted piece of chicken marinated it in garlic and herbs for twenty-four hours. You don't need ketchup."

"I told you, dude," Tyler Zingle says, walking behind Ollie. "You don't ask a chef for fucking ketchup. Even I know that, and I grew up in a trailer park." Tyler is one of the team's American players, and his sister Sunny is a regular at games. He has a touch of a Southern accent, but it's not as strong as his sister's because he spent most of his formative years living with billet families once he started playing hockey.

"Come on, Lil, hook me up with some of that contraband ketchup," Ollie tries again. "I'm not the only one who wants it. Ozzy, Pebbles, and Bam Bam want some too." I roll my eyes yet again. Hockey players and their nicknames. Every player on the team has one, and hardly anyone gets called by their real names.

"Fine," I capitulate, opening the door to the fridge and handing him a bottle of Heinz's finest. He takes it and hoists it above his head like it's the Stanley Cup, then walks back towards the meeting room with Sam and I following.

Today, we are handing out new meal plans to the players. Sam and I reviewed everyone's preference sheets, dietary restrictions, and allergies to create foolproof plans for each player, including calculating the micro and macro nutrients they need to consume to maintain weight, lose weight, or build muscle.

Some of the younger players are still growing and trying to bulk up, so we've designed diets that aim to help them do so safely. We've even drawn some up for the coaching and training staff.

"Does anyone have any questions?" I call out to the group as they enjoy the mountains of food on their plates, readying themselves for the game against Philly tonight.

"Yeah," one of the rookies, Carter Callahan, calls out. "Where's Wilder taking you for your last date? I've got money riding on the outcome and need to know if our boy has the advantage. No offence, Sam." A bunch of the guys laugh and catcall.

"None of your fucking business, assholes," Chase answers. "You can find out with everyone else."

"Oh, come on. We're your teammates, and that's our captain's little sister, which basically makes her our little sister. We need to make sure you're wooing her properly," Ozzy jokes as he squeezes ketchup all over his food.Gross.

Just then, Holly and Avery breeze into the room, clipboards in hand. "Actually, they're going to Casa Loma's haunted house, and you're all invited," Avery smiles.

"We're all helping to raise money for the food bank as part of the Scare Hunger Away initiative. There will be prizes for best costumes," Holly adds. "But don't get your hopes up because Luke and I are winning."

The team hoots and cheers. Hockey teams are notorious for loving Halloween and going all out for their parties. I'm surprised Holly and Avery could throw this together in such a short amount of time.

"It's a family-friendly, VIP ticketed event hosted in the Casa Loma ballroom. Tickets go on sale tonight, and it's open to the public, so get ready to smile, sign autographs, and raise a shit load of money."

"There you have it, boys." Avery smiles. "Eat your food, then go out there and kick Philly's ass tonight."



One week. It's been one week since I had Lily in my bed, and waiting and wanting more of her is torture. It's the one downside of being a professional hockey player; our schedules are ridiculous. Between practices, meetings, and road trips, there's barely time to do anything but eat and sleep. And withThe Blue and White Bachelorettewrapping up this week, we've had even less time. The closest we've come to spending time alone with one another was our date to the Royal Ontario Museum. But with Holly and Avery tagging along with their cameras in our faces, it wasn't what I would call quality time.

We've seen each other in passing at the arena when Lily and Sam are cooking and helping the players with their meal plans, but it's not like I can just grab her by her cute little chef's jacket and kiss her senseless, even though that idea has merit. We're still bound by our contract obligations to keep our relationship unconfirmed until the official announcement in a few days. In the meantime, the entire team is buzzing with excitement over our last date, which coincides with the team's Halloween party. And that's why I'm getting dressed up like a cowboy.

Lily and I spent an inordinate amount of time bickering over costumes during the team's last road trip. I don't know what it is about the Valentine family, but they are outrageously competitive. When you add Holly to the mix, I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to sabotage the entire team just so she and Luke could win. Lily would not stop texting me with potential ideas. All the while, the team was losing spectacularly in Florida and Tampa.

Lily: If we don't beat Holly and Luke, I'll never hear the end of it. Our costumes need to be something ground breaking.

Chase: Agreed. I don't want to lose to your brother any more than you do. Do you know what anyone else is going as? We can't have any duplicates.

Lily: Riley is dressing up as Princess Peach, and she doesn't know that Ozzy and Ollie are going as Mario and Luigi.

Chase: Oh Jesus, is that why they've been growing those god-awful moustaches?