"So you're not engaged?" Holly asks Tyra, narrowing her eyes before turning to Taylor. "Because I am your sister, I would hope I'd be the first to know."
"Not engaged," Taylor answers with an eye roll. "God, I swear you're all wedding crazy. Haven't we had enough weddings in the last four months?"
"I like weddings," Ollie smiles. "I make an awfully efficient officiant." He waggles his eyebrows at his joke and then turns toward Riley and Ozzy, who seem to be ignoring each other.
"What about you two? When are you to getting together?" The couple in question's eyes bug out of their respective heads, but Ollie's not done. “Because if I have to listen to my brother piss and moan about the redheaded vixen, who was the best sex of his life, but who he won't call because he doesn't want to seem desperate, I'm going to call Riley myself and take her out. We're identical twins, after all, and I'm the charming one."
"Like hell, you are," Ozzy growls, throwing down his fork and knife. He looks ready to strangle his brother, while Riley suddenly seems extremely pleased with herself.
"And that's our cue for dessert!" I stand and laugh, pulling Chase along with me towards the kitchen, where the pie is warming in the oven. "The faster we feed them pie, the faster we can leave," I whisper, leaning into him. "I have plans for you, Mr. Wilder. Ones I think you'll be very, very, thankful for."
The elevator ride up to my place is long and silent. Lily's twitchy, and so am I—a mixture of trepidation and excitement, longing and fear. The air is thick with desire and hesitation. I want Lily so badly I'm scared I'll blow my load in the first sixty seconds. Not to mention I've got ten months of celibacy to burn off and almost eight years of wanting her to satisfy.
It's awkward.
I've known Lily my entire life, but after tonight, there's no going back, and I wouldn't want to. Telling Lily about my past, in some ways, has been liberating. She knows the worst parts of me, and she's still here. She still wants me. Lily's everything and more than I thought I would ever have. And yet, I still can't shake the feeling I'm going to fall short of her expectations.
I can't live with disappointing her.
When elevator pings doors open, I lead Lily down the hall to my apartment in silence, her hand in mine. I love her hands; so small, delicate, and creative. I want to want them all over my body. I want to be normal. For her.
I open the door to my apartment and lead her inside. The place's quiet bareness makes it painfully obvious how sterile my living space is. I wish it had more personality, but I never saw a need to decorate beyond the basics. Now, I wish my apartment was homier and more welcoming.
We kick off our shoes and head into my kitchen where Lily sits on a stool by the island and starts to drum her fingers on the marble countertops.
"So," she half smiles, half huffs, "this isn't awkward at all."
I bark out a laugh. Leave it to Lily to cut right to the chase. She never did buy my bullshit.
"You want something to drink?" I ask, opening the fridge. "There's not much in the way of selection, but I have Gatorade, water, and orange juice."
"Chase," Lily says with a smile. I turn to look at her just as she slides off her stool and saunters over to me. I swallow hard when she closes the door to the fridge and lightly places her arms around my neck. "Exactly one year ago, I was sitting in a hot tub with Holly telling her about this guy I had it bad for, who I thought never saw me as anything more than a little sister."
"Oh yeah?" I grin, circling my arms around her waist. If anyone walked into my kitchen right now, they'd think we were slow dancing. "Is he a good-looking fellow?"
"Average," she teases. "He likes to think he's a bad boy, but underneath it all, I think he has a heart of gold." I'm about to interrupt her, but she places a finger over my lips, stopping me.
"He's not perfect. He has some flaws, like being too hard on himself. But I think he might just be perfect for me."
She leans in, balancing on her tippy-toes and places her lips on mine. The second I feel her soft warmth, I'm a goner. My arms tighten and pull her closer to me. I have to remind myself to be gentle. To slow down. To take my time. But the way Lily responds and moans into my mouth makes me want to be ruthless and crazy and take her right here against my kitchen island.
I scoop Lily into my arms and carry her to my bedroom, kissing her the whole way. When I set her down on my bed, she smiles up at me, making my heart constrict in my chest. I want this so badly with her. In the past, all I cared about was getting off, being in control, and moving on. This is entirely different for a multitude of reasons, the main one being that I've stripped myself bare for this woman.
Slowly, Lily undresses for me, removing her clothing piece by piece, and my eyes can do nothing but watch in fascination as this stunning creature shows me through her actions all the ways she wants me.
"If you say anything about the food baby I'm carrying, I'll murder you in your sleep," Lily jokes, patting the very slight bulge where the Thanksgiving dinner we just ate currently resides.
I laugh at the ridiculousness of her suggestion. As if I'd find her anything but utterly fucking breathtaking. "You're fucking stunning, Lily. Give me a decade, and when I retire, I'll rock the most outstanding dad bod on the planet. I don't know if you've noticed, but hockey players aren't known for maintaining their rock-hard abs after hanging up their skates." It's true. Most hockey players excel at getting fat after calling it a career. That's what happens when you go from burning thousands of calories a day and eating like a horse to maintain muscle mass, to being a lazy fuck but still stuffing your face with food. I don't plan on doing that, but it's a rude wake-up call for some guys. "One day, it's all chiselled jawlines, six-packs, and asses of steel. Then the next, you wake up with a beer belly and two extra chins."
Lily laughs. "You paint such an attractive future for us. I guess I'll just have to enjoy it while I can." She stands and walks to me before tentatively lifting my shirt over my head. Instinctively, I grab her wrists before she can move for my belt buckle and pants.
"Is this okay?" she asks. I nod and release her as she carefully slides my jeans down my legs, letting me step out of them. My cock is painfully hard in my boxer briefs, and when Lily removes those, too, she stares up at me from her knees and licks her lips.