"But you and Chase aren't together," Avery says, narrowing her eyes at me.Fuck!That wasn't supposed to come out. "You're still dating Samuel too."
"Well, according to my mother, Chase is the clear front-runner," I say, attempting to backtrack.
"And according to you?" Holly asks, plopping down on the couch beside Taylor and Tyra, who join the conversation seamlessly with Riley. I glance around at the ladies and debate just telling them the jig is up.
"Oh, come on," Riley rolls her eyes. "We all know Chase is the clear winner here."
"We really do," Taylor agrees, leaning into Tyra. Seriously, those two are so damned cute wearing their matching sweaters and coordinated outfits. "When Samuel didn't share his steak with you, I knew he was toast."
"And the Edge Walk date," Tyra puts a hand to her heart. "Brilliant! Better than the movies," she winks. "I would know."
I bite my lip and chew, momentarily wondering if I should spill and tell the ladies the truth. That I'm in love with Chase. I open my mouth but am cut off before I can answer.
"Contractually speaking," Avery raises an eyebrow. "You shouldn't say what you're about to say."
"And speaking amongst friends?" I counter.
"We all know you're in love with Chase," Holly and Avery say at the same time, while everyone else nods in agreement.
"Worst. Kept. Secret. Ever," Taylor deadpans.
"Seriously? Am I that obvious?"
"So obvious." Riley laughs.
"Dish," Avery commands. "We all know you Uber'ed back to Chase's after your date. What's Mr. Wilder packing in the hockey stick department?"
I blush. I can't stop myself. Heat creeps up my neck and face, which, of course, makes Avery gleeful.
"I knew it! Wilder is wild in the sack!"Avery says, looking quite proud of her apparent talent for dick prediction.
"So, how was it?” Holly prods. "Did he live up to your sexpectations?" My awkward pause gives Holly leave to continue, which ultimately means I'm about to hear more about my brother's sexual prowess. "Luke definitely blew my expectations out of the water. I thought my first time would be like pulling off a Band-Aid, and I told him as much, but it was more like orgasm central."
"I'm not a virgin, Holly," I remind her.
"No," Avery adds. "But we all know your first and only other lover was rubbish." I don't bother trying to disagree. "So, was I right? Is Chase a total Christian Grey? Did he Dom-Sub your ass?"
I shift uncomfortably in my seat. Everyone's eyes are on me, and I know I've gone fifty shades of red. I'm never going to tell them what Chase confided in me. That's his story to share if and when he's ready. If I have to embarrass myself to keep his secret, so be it. Riley already knows Chase and I haven't done the dirty. If I don't say something soon, she will.
"We didn't have sex," I mumble. The room goes so silent I can hear the convection oven whirr. "We talked. Mostly."
"Mostly," Holly latches onto the word like it's a life raft, and she's just jumped off the Titanic. "That means you didn't just talk."
"Oh, for fuck's sake, she gave him a hand job," Riley blurts out before grabbing the bottle of white chilling on the coffee table.
"RILEY!" I shriek. She only smirks and shrugs as if saying,What? It was coming out one way or another.Everyone else looks at me expectantly, like I'm going to go into explicit detail about how hard I stroked him and if his dick slants to the left.
It doesn't.
I try to think of something to divert the attention away from me. I look at Riley casually sipping her wine and grin evilly. Her eyes widen in horror. She looks like she is about to launch herself on top of me to try and silence me. But my mouth moves faster than her body.
"Riley had sex with Ozzy eight times at Holly's wedding, and she wants to have his babies!"
"You bitch!" Riley screams, but her words lack sincerity. Sort of. My diversion tactic works like a charm as everyone's heads swivel toward her. Seriously, this is better than watching a tennis match.
"It's true?" Avery barks. "I knew you had a thing for my brother, but I didn't know it was that bad."
"Have you guys been sneaking around since Holly's wedding?" Tyra asks. Riley looks like a deer caught in headlights. She's completely overwhelmed.