Page 28 of Wild Pucker

"I loved Derrick," Lily states matter-of-factly, and the words make my gut feel leaden. "But I wasn't in love with him. He was my friend, and I thought if I tried hard enough, the feeling of being in love would come. I thought if I kissed him enough, I'd get the butterflies you're supposed to have at eighteen with a nice boy. And when they didn't, I thought maybe I was holding back because I was too fixated on an imaginary ideal of what love was supposed to feel like because my parents have that kind of love."

The stone feeling in my guy starts to get worse. The more she talks, the more I realize how much I've hurt her over the years by staying away; pushing her away. I don't want her to keep talking. I don't want to hear any more about Derrick because I know what comes next.

"By the time prom night rolled around, I was tired of holding back. I was tired of waiting for a dream. Because the boy that did give me butterflies was making no effort to hide the fact that I would always be Luke's little sister. Little Lily Valentine. He was too busy banging billet moms and girls taking duck-lip selfies to ever notice me." Lily turns back to me, shooting me a sad smile. "Don't look so shocked, Chase. I practically stalked you online after you left. I was proud of you. I wanted to read every little bit I could about your life as a big NHL star. I wish I had never stumbled across the puck bunny forums. But once I saw them, I couldn't not read what was posted. I probably could have done without all the explicit details of your sex life."

"Lily, none of it meant anything," I plead with her, but she keeps talking as if I didn't speak at all.

“So, when I walked down those stairs and saw you on prom night, I put on my brave face. I thought if there was ever going to be a time when you'd see me as a woman, it would be in that dress." She pauses, huffing out a sad laugh as if reprimanding herself for being stupid. "My date was right outside my front door, but the man I wanted was standing right in front of me. Then, you just… stepped back. You stayed silent and let me go. I don't know what I expected. You were my friend, and I deluded myself into thinking all the messages we sent each other meant something. That maybe I meant something to you."

"You did, Lily. You do," I choke out, not meaning for the words to come out so gruff. "Every message, every text, every stupid emoji riddle and meme you sent kept me going. They were my lifeline."

"Derrick placed a corsage on hand, and we left you behind. We danced all night, and I refused to be sad because I had this great guy who worshipped me in the only way he knew how. When the last song ended, Derrick kissed me and let me decide: his car keys for a ride home, or a hotel key to the suite he'd rented for us.”

I want to tear my ears off before she can finish this story. I want to beg her to stop, but I know listening to her truth is only one small amount of penance I owe her.

"I smiled at him, taking in his boyish grin and glasses, and chose the hotel key. We didn't know what we were doing, and we laughed and fumbled through most of it. It was our first time, and I could tell Derrick wanted to please me. It was sloppy and awkward and perfect, and I don't regret it. But I do regret letting our relationship continue that summer because I ended up hurting him."

I hate myself right now. Somehow, I ruined Lily's first time. I ruined it because it was supposed to be me, and I was too chicken shit to act on my feelings. I was young, dumb, and immature. But it's not an excuse.

"Lily," I croak. "I wish I could go back in time and change that night."

"I don't," Lily says, but something else is eating away at her. "Derrick was a wonderful first. But sex was the beginning of the end for us. He wanted so badly to please me, and it made him feel inadequate that he couldn't. When I broke up with him, I tried to explain that it wasn't his fault. It was me. Some women just aren't wired that way."

Alarm bells go off in my head.Is she saying what I think she's saying? That a man has never made her come?What fucking bullshit. If it was Derrick's first time, he probably had no clue what the fuck he was doing. Even if they did it a hundred more times after that, he still likely had no idea how to make Lily purr like a kitten. You'd think a dude that book smart would've at least used that big brain in his head to do his research or at least fucking talk to Lily and ask her what she liked.

"What do you mean 'some women aren't wired that way'?" I ask, advancing on her at the same time.

"Don't try to embarrass me, Chase," she says, backing away. "Even later at school, I dated a guy a few times. He said I was cold. We didn't have sex, but he was never successful with his hands either." Jesus Christ. What a fucking idiot. I'd like to kick that guy's balls into this throat right about now.

"And what about you, Lily?" I back her into a corner. We're wedged between the fridge and the pantry. I'm close enough that I feel her breath accelerate, and I'd bet my entire salary that if I palmed her tits, I'd find her nipples hard and aching just like my cock is right now. "When you touch yourself, are you wet? When you play with your clit and rub it just how you like, do you come?"

Her pupils dilating and clouding over with desire is all the answer I need. The heat flowing between us is intoxicating, and there is nothing I'd like more than to show Lily just how right her wiring is. Right here. Right now.

"Yes." The word is like a caress on my lips. We're so close. All I have to do is lean forward an inch and my lips will claim hers.

"And when you're touching yourself, who do you think of?"

"No one." The brazen lie makes me grin wolfishly.

"Liar." I grind my hips into her so she knows just how hard she makes me. So she knows the power she has over me. Her breath catches, and she shudders on her exhale. I slip my hands around her waist and prop Lily up on my thigh. She instinctively thrusts forward on my leg. It's fucking hot, and I'm not sure she even realizes she's doing it. "Tell me the truth. When you use your fingers to get off. When you pump them in and out of your sweet pussy and press a palm to your aching clit. When you close your eyes as you break apart and come, whose face do you see on your eyelids?"

Lily's eyes shoot open as she rocks her hips, grinding against my quads. The heat between her thighs is merging with my own, making me want to strip her bare and feast on her until there's not one shred of doubt in her mind that she's fucking perfect.

"Yours," she gasps, arching her back in a way that pushes her tits level with my mouth. "I think of you."

Those words shatter my last shred of resolve, and I wrap my arms around Lily's back, pulling her forward and crushing her chest against mine. I don't waste another second before my lips capture hers, nipping, teasing, and tasting. My lips, my hands and my entire fucking being only have one purpose—to worship this woman's body as if it was made for me alone.


Frisky Business


Inever thought I'd be into dirty talk, but Chase's voice asking me how I touch myself makes my whole body flush with want. I'm wavering between utter embarrassment and being utterly turned on. I can't believe I said what I said. I can't believe I told Chase Wilder that the only person who's made me come is me, and when I do, I think about him.

And he's kissing me. Hard. And I'm kissing him back. I feel a hundred things all at once. Like my brain is short-circuiting. Like I'm made of fire. My happy endorphins start to overload until my entire body is electric and alive. I have all the feels. This kiss is everything I've been missing since the last time our lips and tongues decided to say hello to each other.

A loud moan echoes in the kitchen, and I'm almost embarrassed when I realize it's me.Almost.But I've wanted this for so long that I can't seem to muster enough awareness to care. Chase presses me against the refrigerator, the cool steel is a balm to the inferno burning between us. It's too hot in here and my jacket feels like an oven, cooking me from the inside out.