Page 63 of Sweet Pucker

"Signora Gunner! You're still my most beautiful patron."

"It's still signorina," I blush darker.

A look of outrage crosses Signor Petrillo's face as his bushy brows draw together. His eyes dart to my left hand to confirm there is no ring.

"But how can this be? I didn't think Ryan was so stupido." He shoots Ryan an incredulous look, and Ryan starts to laugh.

"She won't have me yet, Carlo. It's not for lack of trying. I would marry her tomorrow if she'd say, 'yes.'"

Carlo briefly narrows his eyes at me, making me feel uncomfortable. I try my best to ignore the fact Ryan basically said he still wants to marry me and school my emotions, but I can't stop the jump I feel in my heart or hide the hitch of my lips quirking into a smile.

"Dio! You're pazzo! I tell you what. I feed you tonight, and then I cater your wedding this summer after you win the Coppa."

Ryan laughs again, pulling out my chair, and seating me. Within minutes, more candles are lit, and I am being plied with rich wine, warm bread, and garlic-infused olive oil.


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She looks beautiful.

She always looks beautiful.

Em's cheeks are flushed from wine. Her eyes are bright, and she looks absolutely stunning in her cute, sporty outfit. She knows tennis skirts are my weakness. Em has fucking fantastic legs. Long, toned, and perfect when they’re wrapped around my waist.

She has the kind of legs I lose sleep over, and I remember the first time I noticed they were more than just any pair of legs.

Ollie, Ozzy, and I were coming home from a four-week summer hockey camp. When you're a young NHL hopeful, you don't spend your summers lying on a beach. You're on the ice at least every three days or training daily at the gym.

We were excited to have a break from arenas and work with coaches and trainers, and Ollie and Ozzy's dad had just finished putting in a new pool to help battle the summer heat. Canada is weird when it comes to weather. The winters can be stupid cold, but when summer hits, a switch is flipped, and it's blistering hot. We can hit forty below in the winter and get blasted with forty degrees of sweltering heat in the summer.

The second we got home, we threw our hockey bags in the garage, raced to get our swimming trunks on, and called over a few other guys for a pool party. Little did we know the pool area was already occupied by Em and Holly, soaking up the sun and splashing around.

Towel in hand, I walked out to check out Mr. Decker's latest "baby," and there she was. Em was lying on a lounger with Holly stretched out beside her, in a turquoise bikini with hot pink flowers and a pair of oversized sunglasses. Her skin was gleaming in the sun, warm and tan with the last remnants of water droplets evaporating in the heat, and her hot as fuck legs went on for days. Her bronzed stomach was flat and smooth, her tits amazing even back then and covered only by little scraps of material. Even at fifteen, Em was a stunner.

Thank fuck I had a towel because I sported a woody almost immediately. Ollie and Ozzy came running outside, cannon-balling into the pool, creating a tidal wave splash that made Em and Holly scream.

And that was when Johnny Dixon walked through the backyard gate with two other guys we invited. All three stopped in their tracks, going bug-eyed at Em and Holly in their bikinis.

"Whoa! Deckers, when did your sister and her friend get hot?" Johnny snickered, leering at Em. "Nice rack!"

It was my first taste of rage and jealousy. Em and Holly had rolled their eyes, but Johnny's comment made my insides boil. I was pissed at the guys for noticing Em and pissed at myself for perving on her just as much as they were. It was the first time I realized I wanted Em for myself.

The pool party ended before it began. Ollie and Ozzy were out of the pool in seconds, ready to punch Johnny's face in and drown him in the new pool. I beat them to the punch, so to speak, and tackled Dixon to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

I only lasted three months after that day. I tried to resist but failed miserably. When I finally kissed Em, and she kissed me back, I thought I would die of relief.

Looking at her now, I feel the same way. Only this time, she's mine.

Well, almost mine. As we were leaving dinner, Signor Petrillo didn't hesitate to remind me to get my act together and make it official. There's nothing I'd like more.

I park my SUV in an underground lot downtown within walking distance of our next stop. When I open her door, she grabs my shirt and pulls me in for a kiss. I fall back into the car on top of her, but my clumsiness doesn't deter her. She sucks my tongue into her mouth and shoves her hands up my shirt, digging her nails into my chest.

She knows I fucking love the feel of her nails on my skin, especially on my chest and stomach. It's our green light signal.

"Wherever we're going can wait a few minutes. Right now, I want you inside me," she moans into my mouth.