Page 41 of Sweet Pucker

Ryan only takes one second to take in the scene before he storms toward us.

"I said, 'What the fuck are you doing here?'" His eyes are thunderous, and he looks like he is about to crush Randy. Luke is only a step behind him with a similar look.

"Randy was just leaving," I say, trying to diffuse the situation. I don't want to make this any worse than it already is. The last thing I need is for Ryan and Luke to beat Randy to a bloody pulp and have to explain what happened to the police and the media.

"What did he say to you?" Ryan asks, turning towards me, moving between Randy and me to shield me with his body.

"What is he doing here, Avery?" Holly asks. I'm not sure what I can say to make this better. I don't want to escalate things.

"As I said, Randy was just leaving. He said his piece, and now he is on his way out. Isn't that right, Mr. Johnson?"

"That's right," Randy steps away, straightening his jacket. "We'll be in touch, Ms. Avery."

"No, you won't," Luke and Ryan say in unison.

"If I see you within twenty feet of Em, you'll never walk near her or anyone else again."

"We'll see, Mr. Gunner. You may be all brute force now, but you can't touch me unless you want the police and my lawyers charging you with assault."

I place a steadying hand on Ryan's, reminding him to stay calm. As much as I hate to admit it, Randy is right. I don't want Ryan in handcuffs over someone as useless as this piece of shit.

"Give Tyra my regards," Randy sneers before turning on the heels of his stupid fucking shoes.

Luke and Ryan all but growl as Randy slithers out of the office, and Holly shoots me a look of worry. I subtly shake my head, silently asking her to let it go.

"What the fuck was that?" Ryan barks as soon as Randy is gone. Holly clips over to the phone, calls security and promptly informs them Randy Johnson is never allowed in the building again for any reason whatsoever.

"It's okay, Ryan," I say, trying to placate him, placing a soothing hand along his jaw. "I'm okay. Randy is still sour over the whole Tyra situation. He wanted me to arrange a meeting with her. I obviously told him it's not going to happen."

"Well, why the fuck did he have you backed into a corner like that? He was about to put his hands on you."

"He's right, Avery," Luke adds. "That guy's not right. I think you should file a police report."

"Saying what?" I ask incredulously. "That a disgruntled Hollywood agent came to my public offices to talk about one of our high-profile clients? They'll laugh me out of the station and call me hysterical."

"I don't like Randy either," Holly sighs. "But Avery's right. It sounds like all he did was try to intimidate her. That's not against the law."

"I don't want you alone with him ever again," Ryan orders. "I don't trust him. He's up to something. He's obsessively calling Tyra, and, now that that's failed, he's trying to get to her through you."

"Hey," I say, placing my hands on either side of Ryan's face so I can look him in the eyes. "I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself. It will be fine." I lean in and kiss him firmly, partly because I love kissing him and partly to distract him from what's just happened.

"I can think of at least seven different things I would rather be doing right now," I smile and kiss him on his scruff-roughened cheek, working my way up to his ear. "One of them is you, and if I'm not mistaken, I owe you a welcome-home blow job. We've got years to catch up on, and the sooner we start, the better."

Fire flares in Ryan's eyes. Scratching my seven-year itch has been consuming my thoughts for more hours of the day than I'm comfortable admitting. Especially when I am lying in bed alone, reliving how amazing it felt having Ryan's hot mouth between my thighs. A shiver of warmth zings down my body straight to my clit just thinking about it, and I squeeze my thighs together.

Ryan all but growls sexily, pulling me closer, and I can't help but laugh. It's free and easy, the way we used to laugh together. I'm happiest when I'm with Ryan, and while I know I don'tneedhim to be happy, he complements my life in a way that's been missing since I left him.

"Ugh, get a room," Holly rolls her eyes, taking Luke's hand and walking towards our office.

"That's the plan," I call after her, but keep my eyes on Ryan, my eyes blazing with lust and an evil girl curving my lips. "Payback's a bitch, Holly. The soundtrack in our apartment is about to change. Luke and your reign of terror is about to come to an end.” A maniacal laugh escapes me. I have the look of an evil villain plotting my sweet revenge.

"I don't know what you mean." Holly turns around and blushes guiltily. Her face just makes me laugh even more.

We collect our things and make our way back to our condo building. Holly invites the boys up for a drink. While I pour us wine, Ryan calls Tyra to let her know, and I quote, "That fucking dick-weed, Randy cornered Em at her office, and if he ever does it again, I will fuck him up."

I grab the phone from Ryan, swatting his hands away.

"Hi Tyra," I say exasperatedly, all but face-palming Ryan to stop him from continuing his alpha act. He smirks at me and then sits on the couch with Luke.