A vivid piece of art,

Shows my man on one knee, looking up at me.

I know one question,

Is all it takes,

To put our love in its rightful place.

Isthatwhat he’s referring to? A proposal?

“You look so beautiful when you zone out like that,” he says.

I can’t stop myself from smiling. Guilt tries to throttle me and end the smile, but I don’t let it. Soon, whatever we’re building here could turn to ash. We might as well enjoy it while we can.

“So I’m ugly when I’m zoned in, huh?”

He grins. “You’re even beautiful when you’re fishing for compliments.”

Soon, it’s time to leave again. When Kai stands, his demeanor changes, becoming all business. He takes our wrappers to the trashcan and then gestures toward the bike. As I climb on, part of me wishes we could stay in this pocket of nowhere, pretending the rest of the world was just a dream.

* * *

Hours later, we stop at a gas station. Kai pumps and then turns to me. The closer we get to home, the more serious he’s become. Now, he looks ready to fling himself into violence at a moment’s notice.

“Come inside with me,” he says, reaching out and then letting his hand drop. It’s like he doesn’t want to touch me when somebody we know could see us.

I will myself to reach out and touch his hand, but what if a Titan happens to be out this way? What if he sees us and tells Ryan before I have a chance to do it myself? I’d never stop feeling like the world’s worst sister.

We walk into the gas station together, standing so close our shoulders almost touch. I plan to head over to the magazines and browse while Kai settles the gas bill. I remember our gas station games. I doubt we’ll be having any laughs this time.

Before I can walk over to the stall, Kai says something in an urgent tone of voice. “Kay, get behind me.”

I freeze when I hear Kai’s tone change. We’re standing in a gas station in the middle of the night, with nothing around us but darkness and the lights of the road leading into the distance. We’re in the desert, almost back home.

My legs carry me behind Kai’s back before I can think about what’s happening. I don’t think about why as I do what he says, instincts guiding me, the Titan on his jacket staring. When I turn, I see the reason. The gas station attendant makes a moaning noise of terror. She’s an elderly woman whose voice cracks in a specific way as if she’s witnessed men fight before and doesn’t want to see the brutality again.

It’s the man from Vegas, the one who was following me. He wears a leather vest to show off his inflated arms purposefully. His blond hair is loose around his face, as though framing it, framinghim. He looks angrier than the last time I saw him. He strides right up to Kai until Kai raises his hand.

“Close enough, Randall.”

“My old friend.”

Randall smiles, thin lips spreading across his face. Or maybe his lips seem thin because he’s got such puffy features. I’m not judging, but heck, he’s freaking me out big time.

“If you don’t let me get the women clear,” Kai says, “things are going to end very fucking bad for you. If you force me to fight while knowing Kayla or this innocent lady might get injured, it will end in death. I don’t give a damn anymore. My brother is bleeding out in the hospital.”

His voice shakes onmy brother, and something stabs into my heart. It’s a vicious and unfair instinct, the reflex to tell him he and Ryan aren’t brothers, just best friends. Even as a figure of speech, it grosses me out, but this isn’t the time or place.

Randall waves a hand, shakes his head, and laughs coldly. “The old bitch can go. The fat bitch stays.”

I turn to the elderly lady. “Run, ma’am. Run right now.”

“L-let her come with me,” the old lady says, staring bravely at Randall.

Randall reaches into his pocket and takes out a pistol. In a flash, Kai has done the same. The men aim their guns at each other.

“Kay, take the lady and leave.”