“Never had any need,” I say.

“So should I…”

I swallow. My dick is almost hurting. There’s so much tension in me, so much hunger.

“It’s fine,” I tell her.

She wraps her arms around me, my heart thudding so hard I’m sure she must be able to feel it.


I step off the bike, knowing I can’t do this and have to find a way to back out, but wouldn’t that mean putting her in danger?

“Is something wrong?” she murmurs, stepping off the bike, her cheeks even redder than before.


NowI’vedeveloped a sudden stutter. I lean down, pick up my helmet, and dust it off. I’d never normally place it on the ground, but seeing her, I lost my mind.

“We forgot this.”

I carefully place the helmet over her head. When she raises her hand to adjust it, our hands touch, electricity sparking up my arm. Hunger, as I’ve never felt. Her hand needs a ring on it. It needs to be wrapped around my dick. It needs, needs, needs…

Need. That’s what I’ve become, right down to my bones.

“Let’s go.”

We drive back toward the house, her hands pressing against me tightly.



As he rides back the way I just walked, I have to remind myself that this isn’t a dream. This is actually happening. My hands are wrapped around him. The bike thrums beneath us, the engine vibrating like he’s doing it on purpose, trying to add to the pleasure.

Is this real?

This destiny-touched feeling,

Being so close to my man,

Has my soul reeling.

Not my best work, but I don’t think anybody could blame me. My mouth feels dry. I’m relieved I’m wearing the helmet. Not for any safety concerns, but because I know I’d be tempted to lean up and bite down on his neck. All those bedtime stories, all that hard crushing, and now I’m crushing his jacket in my hands, squeezing tightly.

He doesn’t drive up the road to the house straightaway. Instead, he takes a turn toward our family’s private cemetery. It’s where Mom’s buried, too. I want to ask him what he’s doing, but I feel like I can’t speak. Anyway, I doubt he would hear with the engine and the helmet covering my mouth.

I squeeze my hands tighter against his jacket. What would he do if I reached up and unzipped it, felt his chest, his muscles pushing through his shirt? The rumbling of the engine makes my sex ache and my belly sizzle.

My bellysizzle?What am I, a prime cut of sausage? I need to get a grip on my sanity, not Kai’s body.

Finally, he stops on the gravel path. The private cemetery sits a few yards away, surrounded by a small wooden fence. I still remember Kai and Ryan building this fence together. I sat nearby, sadness warring with the hunger I felt—and still feel—every time I looked at Kai. Taking the hint, I step off the bike and remove my helmet.

Kai steps off a moment later, turning to me, his eyes hard. “I’m not doing anything until I pay my respects.”

“I understand,” I tell him, finding it difficult to look him in the face. Am I really going to be able to go on a road trip with him? What if I completely lose my mind and go into full dork mode?

“The next part might seem a little strange,” Kai says in his usual gruff voice.