I grab my cut and leave my gun. The last thing I need is a shootout in a motel parking lot. As I get closer, I see the man’s probably a few years younger than me. His round, puffy face makes me think of roids again. His eyes are dark and beady, set above swollen cheeks, his hair blond and combed back into a ponytail. When the man looks up and sees me coming, he stepscloserto my bike, a grin spreading across his face.

I make sure to get close to him. If he pulls a weapon, I’ll have time to leap on him, grab him, and wrestle. It’ll be one hell of a challenge, but I’ve fought men bigger than me before.

“This is a nice bike,” the man says.

I nod.

“The name’s Randall,” he says, flexing his arms.

He actually does this. He tenses his arms so that his veins bulge out even more. That level of vascularity has always looked odd to me, unnatural.

“Would you mind letting me have a ride?” Randall asks when I don’t respond.

I smirk. “I think you know the answer to that.”

“It’s a nice bike, is all.”

“You said that.”

“How fast does it go?”

“Fast enough.”

The man lowers his hand as if to touch it.

“Don’t do that,” I tell him.

He pauses, his smile spreading, holding his hands barely inches from the seat. “I don’t like being told what to do, Kai.”

So this isn’t a chance meeting. I wonder if it’s related to the Titans, the stuff I can’t tell Kay about.

“How long have you been following me?”

The man grins. “A little while. What happens if I touch your bike?”

“If you know who I am, you know what happens.”

“You’re trying to sound tough.”

“Touch the bike,” I shrug, “and whatever happens, happens.”

“You say that like it’s a force of nature. Like a natural disaster. Likeyouwouldn’t be responsible for whatever you tried to do to me.”

After a long pause, he steps back, shoving his hands into his pants pockets.

“You’d pull your gun. I’m not interested in unfair fights.”

I almost tell him,My gun’s in the room, but it would be pointless to reveal that. Let him think whatever he wants to think.

“Why show yourself?” I say. “You could’ve popped me at the window.”

“In a busy motel? Does that seem like an intelligent move?”

“So your employer doesn’t want any heat.”

He smiles thinly. “I’ve been given permission to offer you two million dollars cash. I have it at a nearby location. If you accept it, you’ll have to disappear and start a new life. You could go anywhere,beanybody, with that kind of money. You’ve spent enough time as Ryan Lewis’ lackey.”

His lackey. Like this idiot could ever understand the deep bond Ryan and I have. He’s been like a brother to me ever since my aunt left, and the MC took me in.