Page 67 of Lie in Wait

“We’ll start looking tomorrow.”

“It’s a deal.” He pulled aside the curtain. “Should we check on Bella and Rita?”

“Rita texted me a little bit ago. She just got back from an ultrasound, and both she and the baby are doing great. Bella’s still sleeping.”

Ariana’s stomach lurched. Hard. She covered her mouth.

“Are you okay?” Damon asked.

She nodded, afraid if she opened her mouth more than words would come out.

He lifted a brow. “Are you sure?”

Ari nodded again, this time with conviction.

Her stomach lurched more aggressively. She raced to the nearest bathroom, flung open the toilet lid, then lost her breakfast.

Her stomach settled.

“Maybe you should rest.” Damon appeared in the doorway.

“It’s just nerves. Last night brought up a lot of old memories, and I had a bunch of nightmares. I just need to schedule an emergency appointment with my therapist. I haven’t seen her in a while anyway. It’ll be good to—”

Her stomach roiled, and she stuck her face in the porcelain throne just in time.

Damon rubbed her back and spoke softly to her as she emptied her stomach.

After going upstairs to the master bathroom, she brushed her teeth.

He leaned against the doorway and tilted his head. “Are you sure it’s just nerves?”

“What else would it be?”

Damon reached past her and dug through his drawer. He pulled out a pregnancy test. “Maybe we should take this.”

Everything around her disappeared. “You… you bought that?”

He grinned. “I’ve been hoping we might need it.”

A warmth spread through her, and she wrapped her arms around him.

“What do you say?” he asked. “Do you want to do the honors?”

She stared at him in disbelief. Damon had actually gone and bought that himself, before they’d even officially started trying for a baby. Only recently had they stopped using protection, for the time being letting nature take its course. He’d had his hesitations because of everything he’d gone through with his own father, worried about not knowing how to be a dad.

But he clearly wanted to have a family with her.

Damon held the box toward her. “Well?”

Her breath hitched, but she took it. “Let’s do this. But don’t get your hopes up. My upset stomach could easily only be nerves.”

His only response was to kiss her cheek and look at her with the deepest adoration.

* * *