Rita mumbled something.
They rounded another corner. A church building came into sight.
It was engulfed in flames. People ran around, crying out.
Neither Ariana nor Bella were among them.
Beads of perspiration dripped into Ariana’s eyes despite constantly wiping them. The heat was too intense, and was getting harder to breathe by the moment. She pulled at her dress, which stuck to her skin.
Diego and two other men had guns pointed at her and Bella. They were all drenched in sweat too.
Clumps of mud dripped from Bella’s arms and face onto the floor. More melted through the fabric, turning the white dress brown.
The flames had engulfed most of the building and were licking toward the small wedding party.
Not that it seemed to bother any of the others. Only Bella and Ari exchanged worried glances. The officiant droned on about the importance of female servitude and a woman’s enthusiastic obedience to her master, seemingly not noticing the fire or smoke that would soon kill them all if they didn’t get outside.
Ariana wanted to grab Bella and run. All she needed was for one of the gunmen to look away for even a moment. But all three of them were fixated on them.
Bella coughed. Practically doubled over.
Her mom pinched her. “Focus!”
Ari glared at her. “We need to get out of here! The smoke is going to kill us all if the flames don’t get to us first.”
One of the gunmen struck her across the face with the butt of a rifle.
She pressed her palm against the sore spot.
He glowered at her. “Next time it’ll be a bullet. Shut up.”
Gunfire sounded outside — more than five consecutive shots followed by screams and arguing.
More loud bangs.
Tires squealed. A car engine gunned before cutting.
She’d know that distinctive sound anywhere. It was a Dodge Charger engine.
How did he know how to get here?
Rita. She had to be with him.
And she was pregnant.
One of the gunmen hurried to the window.
Ariana grabbed Bella’s arm and yanked her. They weren’t far from the door. Could make it outside. Had to. There was no other choice.
Both coughing, they pressed passed the curtain.
Ari jolted but kept running. Bella stumbled along behind her.