Page 55 of Lie in Wait


Then it crashed onto the pew behind it. That one wobbled. Not that any of this was a surprise. The church had started using it after the building was condemned by the state. And that was years before Bella was even born.

A nail that had kept the seat in place dug into her leg as she raced by. Warm blood dripped down her leg.

Bella skidded to a stop at the wall. Reached for the window. Pulled. Strained.

It didn’t budge.

She moved to the next one. Yanked upward.


Her only hope was the door. She dashed toward the other side of the altar. If she timed it right, she could evade her father, Neil, and the pastor.

If she was lucky.

More people called for her to stop. Most of the men and boys hid because seeing her without clothes would be sin. They couldn’t risk their souls.

Who’d have thought running away in her undergarments would’ve worked to her advantage?

Not that she was anywhere near safety yet.

Father, Neil, and the pastor had split up. Neil was closest to her.

The look in his eyes was pure evil. He cracked his knuckles. “You’re going to pay for all of this.”

Bella’s stomach plummeted. She grabbed a vase of flowers. Chucked it at his head.

Missed. Barely.

He released an animalistic noise.

She ran past the altar. Knocked over the pulpit then a candle. Hot wax dripped on her foot. She shook it, but the molten liquid fused painfully to her skin. Ignoring the pain, she pushed past the curtain.

The door was within reach.

Fingers grasped her arm.

She screamed so loud it hurt her throat. Yanked her arm. Kicked her feet. Tore free.

Lunged for the door. Twisted the knob. Pulled.

A gust of cold air blew inside. Rain droplets chilled her skin.

Bella dashed outside. Gasped in the icy night air. Raced in the opposite direction of the van.

The woods weren’t far away. That was her only chance at cover. She was a sitting duck until she got there.


A gunshot rang out. The sound echoed in her ears.

Bang! Bang!

Her feet slid in a muddy patch. She flung her arms out for balance. Her right foot flew out. The ground came closer.

Somehow she managed to stay upright. Regained her footing.