Page 12 of Lie in Wait

Breaking free of a strict family was nothing compared to escaping a cult.


Damon checked the toiletries and gift basket in the back guest room. He was still trying to wrap his mind around everything Ariana had told him about Bella’s situation. When he’d met her at Rita and Grayson’s wedding, he’d have never guessed everything she was going through at home. But then again, he’d also had no clue about Rita’s upbringing. Every time her ex came up in conversation, her story was always that their marriage had been a business deal.

Thinking about it now, her growing up in a cult made sense, but it was still a lot to take in. Rita and Bella’s upbringing was hard to imagine since Damon hadn’t been exposed to any religion as he grew up — at least none that he remembered. Going to church seemed like something his mom might’ve done with him, but his dad killed her when Damon was a young boy. All he had to go on were his memories and the lies his dad had spewed when he was alive.

Although Damon couldn’t relate to having grown up in a cult, he knew all about a deranged and controlling father. His dad’s arrest had been the best thing that had happened to him. He no longer had to live in fear in his own house. Home was supposed to be the one place where you could relax and be yourself.

That was impossible with a tyrannical man living there.

Because of everything he’d been through, he was more than happy to help Bella if she needed it. Given her dad was trying to force her into a marriage she didn’t want, the chances of the poor girl needing somewhere else to stay were high.

Rita’s house would be the first place their dad would look. Getting past the neighborhood’s gate would be a challenge, but for someone desperate and at the end of his rope, anything was possible.

Rosy Hills would soon face another deranged lunatic. Damon was up for the task of protecting the innocent. Letting Bella stay in this room was the least he and Ari could do.

“Are we missing anything?”

Damon spun around to find Ariana standing in the doorway. He’d gotten lost in thought, which often happened when his mind wandered back to his parents. “Do you know what she has with her?”

“I’m pretty sure she only has the bag she took to college yesterday morning.”

“Wow, okay. In that case, we’ll need more. Do you have anything to hang in the closet that might fit her?”

Ari laughed. “I think I can spare a few outfits.”

He chuckled despite the lingering thoughts of his mom and dad. His wife’s wardrobe took up about three quarters of their walk-in closet. If anyone could spare clothes, it was her.

They discussed what else they could add to help Bella feel at home, and Damon made a few notes for later when he went out.

“What’s your plan for the day?” he asked.

“I was going to work on my class, but then I realized that isn’t going to happen. In all reality, I won’t be able to think about it until after the Halloween party so I’m going to Rita’s restaurant in a little while to meet with her and the twins.”

“And Bella?”

“I’m sure she’ll be there too, unless Rita wants her staying home, out of sight.”

“Let me know if I can pick up anything for the party while I’m out later.”

She gave him a kiss. “You’re the best.”

“It’s the least I could do. Her situation sounds so much like mine.”

“Except her dad isn’t a killer.”

“That’s yet to be seen.”

Ari arched a brow.

“Men like that are violent in word and deed. They think they have the power and control over people they see as weak, and now he has not one but two daughters who have defied him. He’s only going to be able to hold himself together for so long before he snaps.”

“He does have two other kids who have stayed in their cult. I’m sure he’ll turn his attention back onto them.”

“And do what? Harm them? Move onto someone else? Somebody should check on his wife and make sure she’s safe.”

“I can ask Rita about that.”