Page 7 of Lie in Wait


Ariana stared at the notes for the party spread across Rita’s table. It looked more like a detective’s bulletin board trying to piece together a complicated murder mystery than the plans for a Halloween bash.

Between the two of them, they had more ideas than they could use for three parties. It was a good problem to have, but narrowing down what to do was a monumental task. It was no wonder she could hardly focus on her class. Her mind was too busy trying to piece this mess together.

Knock, knock! Ding-dong! Knock, knock!

Ari glanced at Rita. “Are you expecting someone?”


The frantic knocks continued.

Rita rose, pushing out her chair. “It sounds like an emergency. I better see what’s going on.”

Ariana flashed back to the night her house burned down. It hadn’t been that long ago. In fact, she and Damon were still getting used to their newly built home. The Halloween party was going to double as their housewarming party, as they still hadn’t had one of those.

She shoved aside the images of the house fire and hurried to join her friend. Maybe something had gone wrong at Charles’s house. But why wouldn’t Damon call?

Ari caught up with her friend just as she flung open the door.

Rita’s sister stood at the door, her face pale and her knees knocking together.

“What’s wrong?” Rita pulled Bella inside then slammed the door shut.

“You have to let me stay here!”

“Whatever you need. Is someone after you?”

Ariana glanced back and forth between them, trying to understand what was going on for Rita to jump to such a conclusion.

Bella clung to her sister. “I’m supposed to get engaged tonight.”

Rita’s face lost as much color as her sister’s.

Ari was definitely missing something. “Isn’t an engagement a good thing?”

“Not in our family.” Rita guided Bella to the living room. After settling her on the couch, she covered her with a blanket.

“I don’t follow.” Ariana took a seat across from them on a recliner.

Rita glanced at her. “They’re trying to set her up with someone similar to Boone.”

Ariana’s stomach dropped at the mention of her friend’s murderous ex. She turned to Bella. “Can’t you just tell them no?”

“No!” Bella and Rita said in unison.

“Why do they think they have a say in who you marry?”

“Because theydo.” Bella shuddered.

Ariana threw a questioning glance to her friend.

Rita’s shoulders slumped. “I wasn’t a hundred percent honest when I told you about the reason I married Boone. It wasn’t a business deal to save my family’s finances. Hedidpay my parents a huge sum of money when we got engaged, but it was because of the church we belonged to. Calling it a business deal was the only thing that didn’t make it seem crazy. Most people buy the story.”

It took Ariana a moment to take it all in. “It was all because of religious extremism?”

Rita nodded. “My parents still see Boone as my husband.”