Page 65 of Lie in Wait

She hollered all the louder, kicking and punching.

An arm covered her hands. A familiar arm.

Ariana whipped her head around. “Damon! Who’s in your car?”

The Charger skidded to a stop just before crashing into the building. Rita stepped out, tears streaming down her face. “You’re safe! Where’s Bella?”

“In the woods.” Ariana embraced her friend, careful of her belly. “You were about to drive into the building? Are you crazy?”

“It was the only way to save you two!” Rita looked around.

“But what aboutyoutwo?” Ari pressed her palm on her friend’s rounded belly.

“We’d have been fine.” She craned her neck. “There she is!”

Rita hurried around her then threw her arms around her sister.

Grayson ran over to them, calling his wife reckless even as he embraced her.

Sirens sounded. Several police vehicles pulled up then skidded to a stop. Officers flooded into the clearing, calling out orders and bearing guns.

Ariana clung to Damon. “I can’t believe you all made it out here in time. How’d you know?”

He held her tightly. “As soon as we figured out you and Bella were missing, Rita knew where they’d taken you. We didn’t even tell anyone at the party that we were leaving. Grayson called the cops while I was driving.”

She glanced over at his car, glowing from the flames. “The Charger is riddled with bullets.”

“I don’t care.” He managed to squeeze her even harder. “The only thing that matters is that you’re safe.”


Bella laughed as five-year-old Alonzo danced around, celebrating his win at Candy Land.

His sister Sofia rolled her eyes. “He always does this when he wins.”

“At least he’s happy.” Bella loved watching her niece and nephews enjoying such simple things. Her childhood had been so full of fear and strife. She never experienced carefree moments like that.

But now her parents were both in jail, where they belonged. Given the long list of offenses against them, they would both likely be going to prison for the rest of their natural lives. Not only were they behind everything that happened the previous night, but they were also responsible for the deaths of her mother’s parents.

Neil and the rest of the cult leaders also faced serious charges. Without anyone to follow, the members had disbanded. Her and Rita’s family was split in half, their brother and other sister furious at them for breaking up their church.

Rita and Bella were just glad everyone was free from the cult’s clutches. Now in addition to Rita’s ex-husband being in prison, many others from the church would soon be joining him. As it should be.

Finally. Now Bella could breathe easy. She didn’t have to worry about being forced to marry Neil or her father taking her back home. The house and property would likely be sold and split between the siblings, and they would take whatever belongings they wanted — if any. Rita was going to speak with a lawyer soon.

Bella had a few things in her room that she wanted to bring to her new room in Rita’s house, but mostly she wanted to forget about everything there.

“Another round?” Alonzo asked, pleading with his eyes.

“How can I say no to that?” Bella laughed.

“I can.” Sofia spun in a circle.

“You don’t want to play?” Bella asked.

“Oh, I do. But I can say no to him. Easy!”

After three more rounds of the board game, Grayson came in and took Alonzo for his nap.