Page 57 of Lie in Wait

Ariana’s heart sank. Where had they taken her? She didn’t want to think about the gunshots, but Diego and Neil were both unhinged enough to shoot the girl rather than let her escape.

It was a matter of getting by all these people so she could get outside and look around.

An unseen door slammed shut, making the curtain behind the pulpit move.

The exit had to be behind that. Of course it was clear across the large room. Maybe if Ariana walked with purpose, nobody would notice her. They might think she was just another cult member.

Except she was dressed as a leopard in a slinky dress with ears attached to her hair. She fiddled with one, but it didn’t budge. It would take two hands and a mirror to get them out. She’d done that on purpose.

She flung the dress over her shoulder, and its many layers managed to cover her dress on that side. If she walked along the wall, she could possibly make it to the door unnoticed.

That was her only choice. There wasn’t another way to the door unless one of the windows opened easily. They didn’t look like they did.

She stepped into the sanctuary. Just as she did, Neil and Diego appeared.

Bella was with them. Neil had her in one hand and a rifle in the other.

Ariana froze. If she wasn’t careful, they could be a statistic.

Neil and Diego spoke to each other while Bella squirmed.

Nobody else seemed to notice them. Ari was the only one looking their way.

She had to do something. Looked around for anything that could be used as a weapon.

Nothing. Unless she wanted to grab a candle and set the place ablaze.

That actually wasn’t a bad idea. Assuming everyone could get out safely. Then it would be a matter of getting Bella away from the two psychopaths.

Suddenly the rows of pews between them felt like miles.

But it was all she had. And there wasn’t much time.

Neil wasn’t far from the place where he planned on marrying Bella, who was covered in so much mud it wasn’t readily apparent that she was only in her underwear.

Ari pressed herself against the wall and scooted along, not taking her eyes off Bella.

Neil and Diego whispered to each other, and even with Neil distracted, Bella couldn’t get away from him. His one-handed grip on her arm was more than enough to keep her at his side.

Determination rose in Ari’s chest. She would do anything in her power to get them away from here, away from these people.

So far, so good. Everyone else was still busy, not paying her any attention even though she carried the wedding gown while dressed like a wild animal.

A teenage girl turned and met Ariana’s gaze. Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open.

Ari brought her finger to her mouth and shook her head.

The girl pointed to her. “Outsider! Outsider!”

Ariana’s heart raced. She looked around.

Most everyone had turned her direction, and the teen was still hollering about her being an outsider.

Clearly this was not an outreach-focused organization.

Ariana burst into a run, nearly knocking over a preteen boy in the process.

He leaped out of the way, crashing onto a pew that wobbled back and forth under his weight. “Outsider!”