Page 33 of Lie in Wait

Rita drew a deep breath. Her daughter in her belly started moving around erratically. She needed to calm down before she found herself giving birth a trimester early. She closed her eyes and counted to ten slowly before opening her eyes again. “This isn’t up for debate.”

“I understand your hormones are running strong and your maternal instincts are probably higher than ever, but your twenty-year-old sister needs to make her own decisions. She came to you because she thought you’d be a support, Rita. She wasn’t looking for someone else to dictate to her what she can and can’t do.”

The words were like a slap to the face. Even worse, her friend was right. The difference was she wanted control to keep Bella safe, where her father wanted control to exert his dominance. But a lack of freedom was a lack of freedom, and she had to acknowledge how stifled her sister must feel.

Rita did sound like her parents. Fear had her making demands on an adult. It was all too easy to see Bella as the little girl who was still playing with dolls when Rita moved out and not the grown woman she’d become.

Bella had no experience making decisions for herself. Her going to the party would be a mistake. Their father had wormed his way insideherhouse already. It would be even easier to get inside a party that was open for the entire neighborhood.

“I know you want to support her,” Ari said. “Instead of banning her from the party, let’s figure out a way to keep her safe while she’s there. It’s a good way to meet in the middle. Let her come and have a good time, and we’ll watch out for any dangers.”

Rita’s defenses shot back up. “You don’t get to call the shots! She’s not your sister.”

“She may be your sister, but she’s her own person.”

“Not for long if my father or Neil get to her. Then she’ll return to being a slave to the men in her life. Is that what you want for her?”

“I want her to be able to decide what she wants. She’s away from her parents now, and this is one small thing she can do. Something she can enjoy.”

“It isn’t small! Your party is open to everyone. It’s basically a blinking neon sign, welcoming the people who want nothing more than to destroy her life. If you think they’ll ever let her go again, you’re wrong. Dead wrong.”

Ariana jolted.

At least Rita was finally getting through to her. “To you, this is just your party. But for my sister, it’s life and death.”

“We’ll protect her.”

“Wecan’t. You don’t understand the people we’re dealing with. How would you feel if Damon’s father was alive and could show up if he wanted to?”

Ariana started to say something but stopped.

“Do you get it now?”

“What I know is Damon didn’t stop living because of his dad. Yes, the man was a monster. I know that firsthand. Another thing I know is your sister is fully aware of what she’s dealing with — even more than you, because since you got free, she’s been living the nightmare alone, dealing with him and her wretched situation by herself. Everything is fresh on her mind.”

“I can never forget what it was like living with that monster!” Rita clenched her fists. “I knowexactlywho we’re dealing with. He hasn’t changed a bit!”

“Maybe instead of making demands on your sister, you two could work together to form a plan to keep her safewhileshe’s living her life. The same way you’re living yours.”

Rita’s face flushed with heat. “I’m done with this conversation. Sure, it’s unfair that Bella can’t do what she wants right now. But you know what? She came tomebecause she knew I’d keep those men away from her. And that’s what I intend to do — no matter who hates me for it. When she’s still alive and out of their clutches, everyone will realize I’m right.”

“Nobody hates you for caring. I’m just trying to find middle ground. It’s possible.”

“No.” Rita leaped to her feet then raced across the street.

Ariana’s front door was unlocked. That proved her friend wasn’t capable of keeping Bella secure. Anyone could get inside just like Rita had.

Her sister was coming back home with her. She marched up the stairs. “Bella! You’re coming home with me where you’ll be safe!”

Only one door was closed.

She raced to it and flung it open.

Her sister’s things were on the bed, but Bella wasn’t there.


Bella pressed her ear against the door.