Page 10 of Lie in Wait

“Come back over,” Rita said. “I’ll get the apple cider started.”

“Y-you’re sure Father isn’t headed here?” Bella asked.

“Like I said, there’s no way he’s getting in. That’s the whole point of a gated community — keeping out the trash.”

“We’ll be right there.” Ariana ended the call. “You ready?”

Bella licked her lips and her gaze darted around the room. “I think so.”

“You can trust the security guards. They keep a tight ship and have a direct line to the police, and the station isn’t far from here.”

“Hopefully you’re right.”

“I am. Keep that key somewhere safe.”

Bella nodded and stuffed it into a pocket.

They made their way in silence. Ariana tried to process all the new information. Rita’s story about marrying Boone as a business transaction had always seemed odd, but she’d never guessed it was anything as nefarious as her friend growing up in what sounded like a cult and being forced into a marriage she didn’t want. It never failed to surprise her how poorly some religious groups treated their own people, but given the fear in both Rita’s and Bella’s eyes, she had no doubt that was the truth.

That was far more frightening than any of the scares the upcoming Halloween promised to bring. But Ariana, more than anyone, knew Halloween wasn’t always good fun.

Despite everything that had happened to her and still suffering recurring flashbacks from her abduction, she somehow had managed to keep her love for the holiday. Surviving had made her the person she was today, and if she hadn’t gone through that she might not have connected with Damon and eventually married him.

Everything had worked out somehow, and she needed to hold out the same belief for her friend’s young sister.


Bella rolled over, pulling the covers over her ears and squeezing her eyes shut. But it was useless. No matter what she tried, she couldn’t sleep. Every time a car drove by, she bolted upright, sure it was either her father or Neil coming to get her. If anyone could worm their way inside the gated community, it would be them.

Nobody ever got between her father and his plans. He was a force of nature, and people always regretted crossing paths with him. But other people were lucky because they could put their negative experiences behind them and never have to think about him again.

For every night of Bella’s life, she’d had to go home to him and face his wrath. Not that he rampaged every night, but there was always the chance. And it set her nerves on fire. She’d spent her entire life never knowing when the next blow up might be. Would it be that night? Or would he be in a good mood? A toss of a dice was more predictable than her father’s moods.

But she was out of the house now. She didn’t have to worry about him punishing her tonight. Hopefully, she wouldn’t ever have to live through that again. Rita had managed to get away and now had a good life. Grayson was kind and funny, and his kids were a ton of fun.

If only Bella had grown up in a house like this with a dad like him, then her life would’ve been so different. She wouldn’t be lying in bed, tossing and turning, her stomach a wreck. Her body was like ice, and she was nauseated. It was like any other night at home, knowing Father’s anger would turn on her at some point.

She’d always imagined getting away and finally experiencing relief, a rush of safety, freedom. It was like her body wouldn’t let her forget. Probably because she wasn’t safe yet.

Not really.

Back at home, Father was sure to be furious. She could imagine him pacing and screaming. Or he could be keeping control of his temper and speaking in slow, calculated tones. That was almost always worse, because then Bella knew one of his cruelest rages brewed.

Tears slid down her face. What was wrong with her? Now that she was away from him, from his terror, she couldn’t stop thinking about him. That was what had happened earlier in the evening. Even though her sister’s family was having a great time and everyone was being so nice, she couldn’t relax. It had been impossible to enjoy the time.

Just like now. Sheshouldbe able to have the best night’s sleep of her life, but she hadn’t gotten a wink. Couldn’t relax at all.

She’d have to ask Rita what it had been like for her when she was finally free of the sadistic men who loved making their wives and children fear them. Maybe Rita had felt the same way.

It was probably expecting too much of herself to think she could flee home and just forget everything because she was out from under his roof, his control. She’d lived in a constant state of stress for as long as she could remember. Even as a child, she never knew when the next punishment would come. It all seemed so random.

Probably because it was.

People in the books she read didn’t have to deal with any of that. Maybe fiction reflected fact more than she’d thought. Maybe the way she’d grown up wasn’t normal. If that were the case, then she really did have hope of finding a happiness like the characters in the novels. Like her sister.

Bella squeezed her eyes shut. “This is my new normal. This is my new normal.” She repeated the words over and over. If she could get herself to believe it, then maybe she could get some sleep and move on with her life.

Her muscles started to relax a little more with each repetition of her mantra. The next thing she knew, sun shone through blinds and brightened the room. She’d actually fallen asleep! It had likely only been for a few hours, but even that paltry amount felt significant.