“What do you expect, Jessica Rabbit? A man might have to do what he has to do, but I still have needs.”

I had stared at him as if he was the lowliest worm on earth.

“What the hell does that mean?”

“Well, I didn’t want to marry you in the first place. But my Dad insisted,” he had whined. “We need the money, you know. It’s not fair that we might have to sell the palace just because you couldn’t mind your own business.”

“Excuseme? You were cheating on me, you creep! Thatismy business.”

“None of this would have happened if you hadn’t been… well, you,” he had claimed, waving a hand at me.

I had known exactly what he meant. He was alluding to the fact that I was short and fat, and absolutely plain. And yet, when Aryan - the most gorgeous man that I had ever met - had said that he couldn’t keep his hands off me, idiot that I was, I had fallen for it hook, line and sinker.

I heard urgent footsteps coming closer, and someone ran into the bathroom.

“Jess, open up.”

It was Nivy. I stayed silent, hoping she’d go away because I didn’t think I was up to facing anyone right now.

“I know you’re in here. Don’t make me peek under the doors please,” she begged.

I sighed, knowing that my best friend was capable of tearing the cubicles apart, trying to find me. So I unlocked my door.

“I’m here,” I called.

Nivy walked towards me and drew in a sharp breath. I didn’t know what she saw in my face, but it couldn’t have been anything.

“I will cut that bitch! What the hell did she do to you?” she cried, putting her arms around me and rocking me gently.

I shook my head.

“Nothing. She didn’t even know I was here. How did you know it was Arshia anyway?”

“I saw her following you into the loo and knew that she would say something nasty to you. Out with it! What did she say?”

“Nothing but the truth,” I replied, and allowed my tears to flow.



When Arshia and her mother had excused themselves from the table, he had been relieved. It was getting very difficult to sit here and smile politely at people who were trying to bulldoze him into something he didn’t want.

If Aryan knew one thing, it was that he would never marry Arshia, even if his mother disowned him forever. His heart belonged to Jessie for as long as she would have him. The rest of the world could go hang.

He toyed with his phone, wondering if this was a good time to excuse himself and return her call. Maybe they could laugh about how his mother had tricked him into meeting Arshia’s family. Although he hadn’t found anything funny about the situation, maybe Jessie could point out the humour in it because his sunshine girl had a very different take on things.

Just then, Arshia’s father drew him into a long-winded conversation about IPL cricket, and before he knew it, Arshia and her mother were back. The smug smile on Arshia’s face made him very uneasy. Why the hell was she acting as if they were still together?

Aryan stared at her coldly and decided that if he had to, he would break up with her all over again. She wasn’t going to bully him into something he didn’t want. At his icy glare, her smug smile slipped a little, and she looked away uncomfortably.

He decided that he’d had enough of this farce.

“Ma, I need to return to the hospital. My next OPD starts in ten minutes,” he lied.

His mother stared at him in dismay.

“Arre!We haven’t even had dessert yet, beta. You can’t leave so soon,” she protested.