“Come on, Nivy. Let’s go and say hello,” I suggested.

“Let’s not,” she softly.

I turned to her and glared.

“Oh, we must. It would be rude to ignore them,” I insisted.

“Am I missing something?” asked my mother, looking from me to Nivy.

“No, Ma. I just wanted to say hello,” I said, weakly.

My determination to call Aryan out on his duplicity fizzled out when I realised that my mother would have a front-row view of the proceedings.

“Well, you’re going to have to wait. They look like they are in the middle of something important to the family, and we can’t distract them by going over now,” she said firmly.

I looked to Nivy for help. I had no intention of embarrassing her family, but I had to confront Aryan right now. Besides, their mother would be only too happy to have us there, so that she could flaunt her connection to our family. But Nivy was no help. She squeezed my hand in sympathy under the table but made no move to rise.

“Fine! Can I at least go to the loo, Your Highness?” I asked huffily.

“As long as you remember to behave yourself, Jayshree. No tricks,” warned my mother.

I heaved a long-suffering sigh as I threw down my napkin and stomped off in the direction of the loo. Splashing water on my face did nothing to cool me down. I wanted to grab Aryan by the collar and shake the truth out of him.

Why the hell was he having lunch with Arshia and her family if he had broken up with her? And if they were still together, then what was last night about? Aryan wasn’t the type to lie about something so important. My brain was going around in circles, trying to figure out the most probable explanation, but all I could see were the pleased looks on Arshia and her family’s faces.

I took in a deep breath as I stared at myself in the mirror. This wouldn’t do. I looked like a madwoman from hell, desperate and unhappy. I had to get a grip before I made an ass of myself and humiliated both our families. I could hear footsteps coming towards the bathroom, and the murmur of female voices, so I quickly ducked into a cubicle. The door opened and someone walked into the bathroom.

“He’s very good looking,” said a woman.


I froze inside the cubicle. I knew that voice. It was Arshia! Oh, I so did not want to hear this. But there was no escape. I was stuck inside this toilet until they left.

“I’m just teasing you, beta. Although it’s time the two of you committed to a deeper relationship. Maybe we could announce your engagement at his sister’s wedding,” said her mother.

Arshia groaned.

“It’s not so easy, Ma. They can’t afford to offend the groom’s sister.”

“Hain?What has she got to do with it?”

“She’s had a crush on him for so long that it isn’t even funny anymore. She’s totally capable of creating a scene at the wedding if we announce our engagement. Besides, Aryan needs to keep her sweet for a while.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Was this how I came across to people? Were my feelings for Aryan so obvious? And did they think I was this pathetic loser who was loopy for a man who didn’t want her? Ugh! I slapped my hands over my ears to keep out her hurtful words, but she just wouldn’t shut up. It was as if Arshia was standing right outside my door.

“You know that community clinic that Aryan runs? Until now, he has been paying for everything from his own pocket. But I told him that it was time the Devgarh family did something for their people. Why should he spend all his savings when they have a Foundation that can spare the money easily?”

“That’s true. God knows they can afford it, what with all their properties and hotels,” sneered her mother.

“Yes, well, the sister is the chairman of the board now, and Aryan needs to be nice to her to get her to loosen the purse strings. He says he hates every minute that he spends with her. But what can he do? He’s such a saint, I tell you, Mom,” said Arshia, moving away from my cubicle.

Their voices and footsteps receded, and the bathroom door slammed shut behind them. I leaned against the wall of the cubicle, unable to even stand up. Arshia’s words still echoed in my ears.

A lot of people had used me for my money, but I hadn’t expected Aryan to be one of them. The thought of him discussing our time together with Arshia, and laughing about it just broke my heart. Tears streamed down my face as I remembered the way he had kissed me in the maze. Passionately. Lovingly. And so convincingly.

What was it about me that made me a sitting duck for fortune hunters, I wondered wearily. After all, Deep had proposed to me for my money too.

I still remembered what he’d said when I called off our wedding.